i got one loud car audio system for the right price everything is top of the line and is in great shape and works great to heres what i have
i got a 12" diamond d9 tdx sub in a 12" custom made vented box made my electronic warehouse
i also have 2 memphis amps
- i got a memphis mono block 16-mc1000d
- i got a memphis 4 channel 16-mc2004
system comes with brand new wire kit also
both amps match eachother
and i also have a batcap the batcap is used to help your car audio system run off it so your not pulling all your power from your main battery great to have
the 2 amp are screwed on top of the box and has a custom cover to go over them looks awsome and theres also a hide awap spot on the back of the box where the batcap is and where all the wires are ran to you cant see nothing its very clean
i would like to sell complete but if i cant this is what im asking
12" speaker with custom box $200
memphis 1 channel 1000d amp $225
memphis 4 channel 2004 amp $175
sell system complete $500
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