Love me some of dems nuggets...

When keeping it real goes wrong. If he would have knocked it off once they were down, he wouldn’t be in such bad shape as he is. Two on one, jumping the counter, invading his space, he’s warranted an ass whopping to protect one’s self, but not a curb-stomping-good-time with a metal pipe/bar.

good for him!!!, scumbags jumping the counter.


i’m okay with that… if it were men that jumped the counter there are no charges laid.

chicks want equal rights they should have equal accountability too. they should be charged with mischief or some other crap for causing a scene and passing fake fifities :slight_smile:

I’m lovin’ it.



Glad he pummeled the shit out of them.

He didnt know they didnt have any weapons. I would have kept them down too until the cops showed up.

Bets on how long it takes till those scumbags file a lawsuit and settle for a few million? Those bitches should be the ones in jail.

For sure - 2 v 1 and fearing for grevious bodily harm? I’d buy it… what other intentions would they have if they jump the counter? To simply argue? I doubt it.

They are being charged.

A+ I dont feel bad for those hoodlums. I would have grabbed a pipe too.

bwahahaha so much awesome

I have never respected a McDonalds employee. Ever.

Until, well, he got the closest.