Love4boost cant sell his car yet because.....

Wayne did an autox in his cobra vert with drag radials on the back.

Seemed like he was having fun :rofl

I highly doubt you’d be in first for anything but the ‘launch.’

You have a bunch of torque, you’d most likely be in second on most courses. I’d highly recommend doing an autocross or five before going on a road course. You’ll thank me when you still have body panels on the car after your first event.

I have had this video saved in my favorites for over 2 years…

I would most likely be in first. My cam makes my car a dog under 4k. 4k in 2nd is around 55mph on a 26" tire. I see it being very hard to get 50mph+ on a small parking lot coned coarse.

I will be doing auto x this summer. Maybe a track day with some buddies as well. I’m really looking forward to it. I’ve had my fun with the 1320. It’s fun, but not as fun as taking turns…

Try dealing with turbo lag. You’d be perfectly fine in second. Even if you must be in first you’ll learn the most basic principle of throttle control.

Trust the people that have done both and started with autocross first. You learn a lot about balance, momentum, throttle control, braking control, etc in an autocross. It’ll come in handy a bit when you’re getting lapped by a 115hp E30. Those cars are dogs in every gear at every rpm, but they still manage to do work on track.

Im attending to track rental at NJMP in april i believe. Thunderbolt or lightning, I cant remember. The bigger one is the one we will be running on. I can bring along people if anyone is interested. Should be maybe 25 cars.

Nice. I’ll be at NJMP a few times this yearvon both tracks. Lightning is pretty fun, but be careful at turns 1, 6, and 7.

Elaborate? Id like more info on this!

My friend with a 440 jeep i think went off the turn in one and barreling into the woods. Another dude we know rolled his srt 300 like 4 times at that track. Shit is no joke.

Those turns on Lightning seemed to be where people went off most. I went off in turns 1, 7, and the very last turn (the big bowl). Turn one off was my instructors fault, he told me to stay WOT until he said then immediately brake. Well, he thought my brakes were better than I knew they were and I had a minor off road expedition. Turn 7 was because someone gave me a late point-by and I was passing them just before the turn, but i passed him too late and broke late, so I went off. Last turn was a combination of my and Jesse Clark’s fault. He told me when to get on throttle in turn, and I just turned in too soon, so I went off.

Going off isn’t a bad thing. I make it a habit to do it at every track event. It helps me get acquainted better lol.

Get a lower center of gravity and things like that wouldn’t happen lol. Lightning was plenty safe for going off in the more common areas. Plenty of runoff available where you need it. You might be thinking of Thunderbolt, but I haven’t been on it yet.

Edit: Forgot to add this in my previous post. Turn 6 at Lightning is where a lot of people went off, as it’s over a crest and the car can get a little light, so there’s less grip. There were a couple of people who had interactions with the wall there, but luckily I didn’t. I actually think that was my favorite turn on the track.

May of been thunderbolt, Its on video somewhere. Ill find it. Its him flying down the huge straight away and then just…Off the track :rofl

Nooo Cossey, I meant like the next event there haha

Ah lol. I’ll be there June 27/28 with SCDA, and then August 19/20/21 with BMWCCA. I highly recommend the August event, as it’s also a chance to watch BMWCCA club racing in between some of your driving/class sessions. I loved it when I went with them last year. Join the BMWCCA (no you don’t need a BMW), sign up for the event on in the novice class and you’ll be set. I highly, highly, highly recommend a set of track-only pads as you will use them a lot there. I haven’t been to another track where I was on the brakes so hard. Going into turn 1 and 7, you’re easily doing 120mph so brakes are handy. Let me know if you want a good recommendation on a pad and where to get it from. As the event gets closer, make sure everything is up to par mechanically, and make sure you have a SNELL 2005 or newer helmet.

Benny can I borrow your car to do a drift event?

With a 7k deposit, sure.


this thread didnt go the route I intended it too…

shit sucks.