love4boost's 2000 BMW

Case and Point… just because I happen to own a TBSS you think that that is the only scene I have ever been involved in… how about learning your facts and knowing who you are talking to… if you knew anything about me you would know I am from FL an been around the car scene specifically American for years, since I was a kid and have been around the hot rod/muscle car scene since i was 4… the first vehicle I ever worked on I was 5 and my grandfather was teaching me things on his 49 chevy pickup with a jag rearend and smallblock… first bike I ever built I was 15 and was a 69 Triumph… so how about not treating me like some typical car forum girl who just quotes shit she reads and treating me with a little respect as I do know what the fuck I am talking about.

and as for the topic of the cam and whatnot I am done dicussing in here you want to continue with it you can pm me.

I full agree with you on that, but the original argument was comparative parts cost. My motor HAS an LS6 pump and LS2 chain, the motor had high mileage and pre '01 LS1’s were more prone to oil pump failure. I do understand what you are saying about the parts, too. There are plenty of people that will sell a similar cam and for similar prices and you will do just as good (and in some cases, better). I really don’t know of ANY shops that cut their own cams, they just order them from Comp to their specs (this includes TR and TSP).

Lol, it was just a response to your typical G6 owner comment. I certainly respect you just fine, you are a girl and you drive a TBSS… and you drive it because of what its made of NOT because its “pretty”.

Don’t take things personal, I was looking for a friendly argument.

this is very true about the pre '01… however the ones put in heavier and awd platforms also deal with oil pump failure… and burn oil faster.

I am happy you see what I am saying about the parts and cam grinds. Just because a shop is well known does not always meen they are the best.

Yes most shops do use comp and a few other grinders to do their cam for them but it is all about the specs of the grind and how it interfaces with your setup. Some shops are better and pushing the boundaries and thinking outside the box when specking their custom cams were other more well known shops are more prone to keep a custom cam similar to their shelf cams…

I was all for friendly argument until you said i quote shit… you do have to admit G6 owners tend to be hard headed and complete nutswingers of Texas speed and shops alike…

G6 owners tend to be young college girls and elderly folks. :lol Fortunately, the coupes are much less popular with them and the GTP even less so… and then add on the 6 speed manual and my car isn’t as typical anymore.

TSP is still a small shop and they are wonderful guys too. I got my cam from them before they got as popular as they are.

Oh and :hug

From my experience in person and on forums many g6 owners are younger college age and mid 20’s guys who seem to think they know everything there is to know and it gets old fast.

I agree they are a great shop but have become very commercial… hey at least they are better than PCMforless… that place is a joke…

ha… :hug

kmudz: learn about Supras so I can sic you on unsuspecting victims please.

would love to… lol… had a few friends with them at home but left to come up here before I could learn anything…

G6 forums enrage me, they are convinced that it is impossible to tune for FI on a G6 even though HP tuners supports them. All of them run a mail order tune from Vector or some little obscure shop.

In my opinion ALL mail order tunes are for getting your car running and driving part throttle so you can drive it to an experienced tuner.

HAHA as they should enrage you… it is horrible to read through, its not even worth it… the G8/camaro ( forum on the other hand is pretty good just doesn’t get very much traffic. HP tuners does support them and only seems like g6 owners who came from other gm platforms seem to realize that and that the others are the nes that are retarded in most cases as they are completely new to it all and quoting what they saw some other idiot say.

not always… all depends on the shop… a good number of smaller shops have mail orders for typical setups that get you all the gains you can for the specific mods and have been tested on countless vehicles so they are more than safe and meet the needs of the vehicle… But, I will agree a lot of fly by night shops do shitty mail orders that are just enough to get you to a real tuner but in that case you may as well have saved the money and contacted that tuner to begin with.

Vector is a huge failure. their tunes are complete junk…

PISS out my ASS

I hope this is the Puff Daddy version of this song, not that STING piece of SHIT!

You can go to Jolly pirate doughnuts and take a two hour shit for all I care.



nice pics… retarted thread.

I have a hard time believing this for some reason…

the first car i ever worked on was a Ferrari when i was 2, i did a timing belt and thats all my grampa would let me do.

i never worked on a car before

On a what?