lovers and haters of Redline/Howard post here

ya got me oh noezz:crazy

E, post up FAT cat pics.

I LOL’ed.

You cant lock some ones ecu.They can’t go in and tune it unless they have their own software and if they feel the need to blow their car up let them. He fucked the camaro up and it couldnt get inspected thanks to him. I would not go back

Hey, do u workout?

Yea did you see the pic of me in my avatar?

yea man, ur huge! bet u got a small dick from all the roids though.

Ehh I work with what I got

i hate them. well im jellious they have what i want ( i dont know them) but im sure they have $, cars,and women wait scratch that $,cars lol women are headaces lol J/K .
Its so easy to hate on people that have shit that u want exp…ly when you dont have much .so if u do hear alot about them that could be a good thing.
Inline performance , synapes , redline there all top notch shops and yes moon performance (very far away) the best thing i would say is go to the shops and talk to the guys your self be your own judge .

Locking tunes is total bullshit. I’m not sure why the tuning companies implement that feature into the software. Most people that do it are just insecure about the quality of the tune and don’t want their reputation to be tainted (by another shop seeing the inferior tune).

I have no idea what RLMS’s current practice is as far as locking. I do know if your a customer with software to fine tune, and capable, they certainly will leave the tune open, as long as its clear if you play with your tune, your playing with fire. I do not know if its like it was 5 years ago where the tuning specifics are guarded closely or not.
I really do not think many people on this board understand what it takes to run this type of business. I do not think many people on this board understand what the norm is or was, and how the LSX industy has developed, or how some of the tuners learned over the years as new tools became available.
As I read this thread, I can understand why Redline would not bother to reply or be interested in the garbage here. Locking tunes is, as I am sure, a case by case basis and perhaps for the protection of the tuners work and perhaps for the protection of the motor.
Again, not everyone will have a great experience everywhere. I have known Howard for 20 years and I have been frusterated at time and estatic at times. EVERY shop I have dealt with has put me through this with the exceprtion of R247.

Howards ability and knowledge can not be challenged. His tools and employees and resources are top rate.

I am not blowing smoke up anyones ass, and only coming to defense as I have been through many cars, many shops, and have had more experience than many of you. The focus of RLMS is to deal with mature customers that will pay for quality work and a safe environment, as well as whatever they feel is their specialty.

Whats my interest here? Cause its frusterating seeing people that are in the local scene that don’t understand this business. Travis does as do some others, but overwhelming, its much much more involved than hanging a shingle out.

I am not a RLMS fanbouy. A few years ago when Howard was cutting his teeth of FI cars, I chose to go elsewhere to someone with more experience with SD tunes. Now, one visit to the Software forums, or contact with other well known national tuners will tell you, Howard has a clear understanding of a foggy environment and is probably one of the more capable LSX tuners in the country. Believe it or not.

In efforts to save nickels and dimes I also went as far as Detroit for motorwork, Rhode Island for work and so on. A growing business will have its failures and difficulties and those victim will speak loud and talk often. Thats certainly happened around here with a few specifics.

Anyone who has dealt with performance shops long enough can tell similar stories.
I can tell you horror stories that I have has with numerous shops including:

East Side Performance
AP Engineering

The stories range from being overbudget , way late , damage , late and a few short cuts, damag, Poor quality work and product, poor treatment…

The point of this post is clear. Find a place to call home, and prepare for some frusterations…even if the only frusteration is writing the check. Few of us will ever walk away from the crackpipe feeling fulfilled and complete.

After rethinking it, locking tunes is a double edged sword I guess. One way to look at it is the shop could be protecting themselves in one way (so that the customer does not mess with it, blow it up, and then blame the shop), but on the other hand, locking the tune also basically forces the customer to do business with them, even if it’s collecting a few bucks to unlock it.

In the end, I say leave it unlocked and keep a copy of the latest tune so you can compare it to what the car comes with when the dude brings it back blown up.

In the end though, most shops are not going to treat your car as good as they would if it was their own car. Just gotta use your head, do research and find the one that treats it most like there own. A lot of these shops are on tight time schedules and are going to take shortcuts at times to get the car out the door, which is the reason that I only take on one car at a time, and don’t work under any time limits. I currently work on Ray’s car as the parts roll in, and that’s the way I like it.

Agreed in all ways Travis. Hard to make money when working for friends too…and that ads to the whole conundrum.

well what im getting done there is no reason to tune the car, rather turn off the O2 codes. with that said, Howard Quoted me over $250 more than my current shop ECS. thats where the only real issue with me lies. i would rather stay local but knowing that i can trust ECS and the fact they are cheaper, i think i will stay with ECS.

Yeah, it’s always odd when something breaks on a friends car that you worked on. Thats why Ray and I hate each other, lol.


Remember the other night when you told me that ‘a hole is a hole as long as there is some heat in there’? Well that applies to other people too, not just you and I.

u cheating bastard!!!

He just blew me, so it does not really ‘count’. Now relax dat ass and let my nuts in.