Dear Howard and Redline fanbois alike

whats this i hear you are taking out customers Corvettes and blowing something up to the point where theres fluid spilled all over the ground?


hmmmmm :ahh

oh man. the grape vine is talking again

im here to start shit, whos going to finish it? :wow

bill collector!

Hi, I’m Nazi Moderator, and I approve of this thread.

i just find it funny how all the fanbois dont know what actually goes on.

whats these rumors about a certain SRT8 jeep going KA-BOOM and needing multiple SHAM-WOWs for clean up?

u see what i fucking did there?

redline will have you saying “Sham-WOW!”

I spoke with a tech there at a party I went to recently… John IIRC…dude is HUGE, has a heads/cam C5.

Guy is cool as hell, idk what’s up with the Redline drama, they seem to do really good work.

Shit happens though. WTFever.

all i know is what i hear. i dont deni the skills or capibilities of this so called john iirc but i would like to know whats the deal with driving customer cars and grenading them.

Shit happens man, it’s a tech’s job sometimes to test what he’s done to a car.

As far as I’m concerned, if a customer car grenades for w/e reason, overheats, or shit, if he stuffs it into a guard rail or something else heavy and stationary (:shifty), as long as the shop takes full responsibility and repairs/replaces anything damaged in the process what’s the big deal? Shit happens.

This thread is going to get good. I like.

Also, for the record, I’ve never been to redline or spoken to anyone at the shop aside from the short convo I had with that guy. Fanboi I am not.

i try man, i try.

if for nothing else, i through out that “FUN” factor.

benny, i totally understand. john could be the coolest sexiest man on this earth, but this still doesnt change the fact that i feel taking customer cars out and romping on them is right.

i also know the cars need to be driven and road tuned, and maybe im missing a lot and just running my flaps on my face i call lips but again, lets hear what happened.

Dude’s dogs were looking sexy as hell.

if ur refering “dogs” to his feet, i hate you for life.

REDLINE !! where we really REDLINE ur shit !!! :rofl


REDLINE !! were the REDLINE don’t mean shit, cuz there moar numbers after it !!!

“REDLINE…whats that?”

You have to wonder who is going to pay for the PROBLEMS the car now has. Never been there but even if the shop takes the hit its still going to take time to fix.

Bad news customerX, I roasted your tranny but don’t worry we’ll fix er right up.