loving japan, You Can Kill TIME!

this is probably the best clock in the world, im gunna order one i think



Now that’s what you call Time Attack.

I am going to buy it just because of that commercial, rofl.

i want one for me tooooooooo … group buy !!! as long as its under 10$

I’m down as well!



where do you get one?

I’m in too!

hmmmm, seeing as there is interest for this, i can contact them and ask.
If more people show interest the better probably. Ill Message him now and see whats up.

i have to say…what a gay ass clock

LOL set it up

in on the group buy! i hope i dont pull out the wrong gun :slight_smile:

I just contated the person selling the product they are in japan tho so they should be awake or soon going to work lol. As soon as i get a e-mail back i will Post in group buys the amount it will be. I also will be getting the product shipped to my house to save on shipping it to everyones address. Anyways Ill keep you guys posted. I see we are gunna see who can get the shorters reaction time.

here is some more japanes things the place sells. this thing, you stick your finger in the side, and its like a actually screen you can play with the character.




wow… also ask for package deals on more of the products lol

im down for a clock. let me know how much.

ebays got them starting from $60USD

yo i want one of these