
Item: 240km/h speedometer (w/ entire gauge cluster), very rare pieces. This buy is on behalf of and made possible by Roman (ID: Dr. Strangelove), our newest member. I have been talking with him for quite a while now about these via emails. I am buying the cluster just to swap its speedo with mine.
Location: 4 clusters to be shipped to my address (in Toronto) for the group buy once orders and then payments are collected. I am willing to deliver the clusters to their buyers within a reasonable distance (FOR FREE!), say 45mins drive maximum or so from Scarborough area. If farther, I will provide directions for the buyer to pick them up at my house.
Timeframe: When the buy ends and the last payment is received, Roman will ship the units out to my address from Germany…so likely in the 1.5-5 weeks range of end-date, depending on shipping speed and when you’re available for me to bring them to you.
Cost: $180 Canadian everything in…unless you’re out of my “45mins approx. range”…then just the cost of picking it up at my house in Scarborough!
Payment: Please only join this buy if you are committed and have the funds. This buy will be completed through PayPal. If you do not have PayPal but have cash, we should be able to make things work, but by all means, PayPal is preferred.
Note: Be aware, there ONLY 4 CLUSTERS AVAILABLE at moment, in this buy! Once we hit 4 buyers, the group buy ends.
Note II: I will update everyone in this thread if any details change at all, or if another cluster becomes available etc. Any questions to be posted in this thread, Roman and/or I will try to help out.
Current Summary:
–When all 4 slots are full, payment instructions will be given!
–When all payments received, items will be shipped to me.
–Items arrive at my house in one large package.
–PM me directions to your house, or pick up from my house.
Please enter your name below if you are in!
- DarkForceJackal - Paying by PayPal