Your kidding right? :crackup Like my friday nights.
You’re better off just huffing refrigerants. :
No 1stgen he’s not kidding or else he wouldn’t have asked, not everyone on here is 35 and understands language as such :shifty
Bro I don’t even know how you can polish off a bottle of that shit. It’s gross as hell. Some of the bottles sold, they give you a pouch with wood chips in it that they use to distill the stuff in and you can smoke it. I guess that gets you super fucked up too.
spread a 750ml bottle out over a year or so… not that hard to do.
And I highly doubt this legal version of this shit that they now sell here is anything like the stuff that was made back in the day or even the stuff you can get in Europe.
They sell Absinthe in the states now. I didn’t know that.
yeah, it’s called lucid… :nod
haha hence the name of this post then hahahaha my bad
i loves your engrish ;D
but yea, like Oleg says, its just absinthe, nothing THAT special