Lucky Number Slevin movie question


[size=2]ok, so the whole thing happens, movie was fucking awesome. i loved it. wonderful.

anyway, when the cop thats about to get killed, is talking to the guy (max cohen from Jackie Brown) telling him who Slevin the horse was;

he says there’s a new cop in town. his last name is something that in hebrew means bad dog, which the guy repeats.

what was the significance of the cop? who is that?

the cop is the guy with the shotgun at the begining of the movie who kills slevin’s mother in the kitchen

Mr. Good cat
and Bad Dog

The cop is an old timer that hangs around the office
and told the cop on the phone kalevra means bad dog
who then tells the cop that gets shot in the head this and he puts it all together.

yea i got that part, but who is the NEW cop who joins the force? there must be some significance, because of his last name, and the kid knowing the last name’s meaning, etc

no i know, but the whole reason he says kalevra or whatever is because its some new cops last name. where does that come in?

It’s slevins fake last name.

Slevin = horse
Kelevra = bad dog
bruce willis = good cat

The cop that recognizes the name is an old former cop that hangs around and tells stories to the rookies.
The old cop is the one who said that Kelevra was hebrew for bad dog.
The cop just reconizes the hebrew word.

I’ve watched this movie a few times…

ah gotcha, well minglor has some meaning to his theory, but now you have me thinking again. Its been a little while since i watched this movie, which was freakin awesome BTW :tup:

i got all that, i must have misunderstood (my roommate must have too cause he posed the question first).

we thought the cop mentioned slevra or whatever as being a new cop to the force. which i didnt get. if he was just referring to the fake slevins last name, that makes sense

It is a really good movie.

Sidenote - I want to touch lucy liu

funny as i only get that way about her when i watch kill bill…

yes. this movie made me want her way more

just re-watched that scene. the significance of the new jewish cop was just that he told the other cops what the last name meant

my roommate and i both mis-heard it.


that movie was freakin awesome

i understand you got this already… the new cop is a nobody really his only purpose is that he knows hebrew, to translate the name to tie everything together.

this movie was awesome… slow plot development the WHAMO ending is awesome

Usual Suspects is still the best ending of any movie ever made.

mother fucking word. that whole movie is just done so fucking well

this movie was a big :tup:

i loved this movie. sooo fucking BA. :tup:


And it features the hottest Lucy Liu for sure.