Lunch tomorrow? Wednesday 1pmish ?

Looks like I got afternoon off tomorrow. 95greenZ maybe free as well. Anyone else interested? Think we may go up and check out associates in performance afterwards.

if you do something downtown count me in!

I will be downtown tomorrow. I have a appt with a job plcement place at 1:00

im prob. def. in!!!

cool. Ok, when do you think that job placement will be over? Im pretty flexible after 12-1pm or so.

the appt is at 1:00 so I am guessing i will be out of there atr 2:30?

sounds good to me!!! we can meet up whenever!!!

me and bics are meetin up for lunch…alos going to see if dental guy is still in!!! anyone else wanna meet up!!!

post location please

prob. going to go to unlce sams in waterworks

up for any ideas though

ill go with whitey

where we goin???

downtown, greentree or robinson is the only way we can go

i dont care…we were thinkin waterworks b/c dental guy wants to meet up and then go to assoicates in perfomance…which is wear i live!!

Im Hungry!!!

Im game with whatever, waterworks uncle sams works for me.

Im home early. patient was an easy one :)) heh

well…we might meet up with bics at like 230ish
is that cool with you???

sounds great. meet at waterworks then?

hm 230 water works eh… i get done with school at around 230 ish, got to check some other stuff but i might be there

looking closer to 3:30 - 4:00 for waterworks/uncle sams…
Green and Bics arent at the house yet.

Ill mesg here when we leave :wink: