LVD 9/10 anybody?

so the bottle is back?

I threw it in yesterday quick, gotta play around with it some before goin up. Idk how long its gonna stay in the car for…

You really need to get in on a track rental. Ive heard theyre alot more lenient on stuff at those.

i need a ride in this car still, spray, no spray i dont care i just want to go from a dig.

if the weather is nice im gonna run the terminutter

It really aint nothin to run home about. Ill give ya a ride, but compared to Rays car youll hate it lol

ehh we’ll see… im sure its plenty quick.

bump, going to be a low of 42 tomorrow night :noes

should be around 50 for the last few runs of the night.

Yeah the weather is going to make for some nice runs… provided you can hook. Saturday is going to be great, plenty of cloud cover, low humidity, and cooler temps. Mid 13’s on street tires here I come. :banana

you guys are going to get flat tires and run high 20’s and not be able to get home

GTFO with these predictions… :idiots

Mine’s legit. :nana

cool temps = slick track… so im guessing youll be in the 14s still

Saturday is going to be in the upper 60 to low 70’s… i’m not running on Wednesday.

your car is going to go into limp mode every time you run :nana

i wont run at LVD for a long time.

LOL fuck that. My engine light actually went off today and hasn’t come back on since. Hammered on it the whole drive home from work and it didn’t go into any jerkoff mode. I really need to clean my MAF though. I havn’t cleaned my air filter in over a year so theres probably shit all over the bottom part of the intake tube which was throwing off the airflow readings. Fucking new cars… :idiots

Balance shafts removed, fresh oil, and the car is gutted for the track tomorrow. A splash of C12 and I’m in business!

see you mother fuckers there.

u running the catfish?

Why not?