LVD Drift Event.....June 19th!!

do etttt you wont!!!

I’m sure your ballerworld boyz would love the exposure :rofl

when i do have a cage built it will be by Synapse. i’m gonna research all the tech rules for tandem drifting before i have it built so i have it done the right way the first time.

71 and cloudy for friday. looks like a good day to fuck up some tires. i can’t wait to drive this time!!!

I’m more worried about good ol Dan @ Diffsonline giving me a good price on a diff rebuild afterward. :lol

me too im so pumped, wont be able to sleep tonight haha

There is a dude out in Argyle who does rally car cages to the rulebook that pass tech for ~ $100 a point. Adam H. knows him I believe

i would prob stay with synapse being that they are 10 mins from my work and 7 mins from my house.

i’ll be fuckin up tires tomorrow, koseis on the front and stock 14’s on the back :excited

yea can’t wait. how many tires do you need/want sam?

i hear you rip the ebrake and redline it. …

hey he’s going…

jay just bring my green wheels and teardrops if you would dearie

for srs why hate? i don’t see you drifting or tearing shit up. excuse after excuse. shits lame.

word sawn

So sam you wanna just give me $60 and take my spot?

Well I successfully competed taking more parts off the car :number1

Wait, that’s backwards :Idiots

The turbo I got was clocked for a car with no PS/AC, which was a curveball for me so those had to be removed to run the piping, I also can’t find the return line and other small issues. I’ll be there - supervising :ninja


the car’s all back together, can’t wait to suck ass tomorrow :excited

So am i going to be allowed to hitch rides with people? DO i need my helmet if so? Vlad ive got a few dsm turbo parts laying around if you need anything lmk. Everything from a sidemount intercooler to an 02 housing.

The Drift Faction guys do most of the ‘Supervising’ :shifty

sorry i never came down to help the other day. but ill help u with the supervising tomorrow. and picture taking.