LVD Flooded

Holy shit!!! Literally under water! That’s a solid 4ft of water. Crazyy!

YES, trek we must!

id be down for ais


I already took the 14th off with pay something needs to fucking happen on that day or bitches be getting shanked

Sorry for anybody who lost their car, tools or any other belongings. That sucks

website says they will be open on wed.

heres good pics…

SSmokinn, why did you delete the link?

just go out shanking bitches :ponder

sounds eventful enough to me

To have both the drag track, and the dirt track open this week is CRAZY after seeing those pictures. They must have worked their asses off

1/4 mile boat racing?

Hmm… new 02 sensor can wait. I think I am going to run tonight since I have nothing else to do. Should still be in the 13’s and somewhat fun to floor down the strip.

Who’s going tonight???.
I just called and they said there will be racing tonight

I’ll probably go. I kind of want to run since I haven’t in a year or so but we’ll see.

i am definitely fucking going! FUCK YEA IM FUCKING PSYCHED!

Heading up later with a couple people

I’ll be there running 10s in the Audi

God damn right

I think I’ve only been up once this year, the weather has been too angry.