LVD Sat 10/10

yea, thanks kramer. i did “gottttt eeeeemmmm”

Yea I know I am not a cholo. I understand English.

Quit sluggin MIKE

FU chodewhistler, I’ll prolly head up saturday see some bitchez run.

Somebody bring some treatz!

get your 115 mph car into the 12s then you can talk.

If you want to run your mouth more, bring your whip up to the valley saturday and well line them up. Ill even race ya for money.

:rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl in a full weight 'vert too!!


itz gon rain

No its not, there is a chance of a shower but the weather changes everytime i look at it

Idk, you are a cholo.


Quit stealin my linez, and I’ll bring some treatz!

it’s going to rain all day tomorrow and tomorrow night and continue into saturday am.

This aint the hurricane drags n*gga

CALLIN’ EM SON! :ohnoes

Hey PJB, quit ruining the mood here.

3 days ago it was supposed to rain today, since when do we trust the NE’s weather?? for all we know it could blizzard saturday, or be 73 and sunny… when you wake up, judge it then.

yeh yesterday morning it said 50% chance rain all day, then yesterday afternoon is said sunny 58 deg and no rain, today its chance of am showers. Weather changes more then stallmers mind

and he changes that atleast 4 times a day

speaking of which, stallmer is allegedly going.

ill believe it when i see it.

tomorrow im jacking up the gti and getting it ready for slicks. going to be ultra ghetto.

haha, he won’t be there

ha better chance in seein jesus

delouche, you better run a 10.xx @ 136+ on that c16

9’s or bust.

well see, im not one to talk until it happens