LVD Sat 10/10

Oh shit , talking track times. Here we go…

I am just saying I think I saw you in the stands more then racing.So I think you shouldn’t be talking shit.


I will not be attending LVD tommorow for racing.I will be in the stands ,pulling a Brett Wheeler.
Car is at synapse for the weekend

Im not going to go, I’m just going to sit at home and “smoke weed in a cigar”

mother nature best not rain for her own good or imma be pissed

i watched more then i raced. i only raced 4 times. 2 with the evo and 2 with the tdi.

Yea, but you dont talk shit pete. This clown does as shown above^

Weather just changed supose to be soooooooo nice!!!

what did I tell ya,

did you tinker?




I’ll let him splain.

well what he meant was when the weath

anyone down to 3 beep roll race on the track

I really kinda want to go to the track but Im not driving there if its raining or even looks like rain.
My car doesnt get traction on wet pavement at all.

There is No chance of rain PJB it’s gonna be 58 and sunny

and na I didn’t tinker yet about to go raise the suspension now

Maybe Ill have to grab my other dr and bring it over and put both on tonight.

quit bein a vag and run

ya y not i’d like to but not racing


Realistically that car needs about 1000 dollars worth of engine mounts/front struts/springs to make it do-able ever again. :lol

And my brakes are down to the squealers.