Yea fuck off stallmer you didnt answer your phone you fucking ass face
Shoulda came on the booze cruise where there was about 10 guys (band members and bartender included) and 50 hot chicks.
Next one is Oct 23rd, you 21+ fools best be attendin’
And we all went to Bourbon St. (Like 12 people) and caused a realll big ruckus
LOL! I feel asleep after i got out of work at 7. Then got recruited to go downtown around 930ish.
Oh yea and Giants are killing it as usual today.
went downtown to listen to nagger music and hang out with the naggers I see
nagger fondling
Stallmer fails
as you always avoid the entire thing you create. you run your mouth on the computer, but you dont wanna meet up and find a solution to the problem. im not saying im gonna push your chest in, but id love to find out what you got against me, jealous of something as jealousy creates hatred. sorry i dont like you, and i dont want to be your friend, sorry i find you to be VERY annoying. sorry i didnt like getting 20 face book messages a day from you about your stupidity with cars. a k04-20 swap is day one stuff man. sorry i had to block you on facebook because i was sick of getting messages and sick of replying to them with “ok no more girl chat” because you kept going on and on and on like i was a girlfriend dude. i dont care about your problems and i dont want to help you. thats what short repsonses imply… it means LEAVE ME ALONE I DONT LIKE YOU.
word s0n. i just love how this KID wants to call me out or whatever, but when i say lets meet up and do this, and get to the bottom of his issue, he curls up and hides.
Honestly, you and I’ve been cool for a long time man. You gotta stop getting mad at these young guys and getting all worked up about internet shit. I no longer say anything that could even remotely set myself up for someone to make a stupid comment to me anymore, I’m too old and have way to much to lose now.
Well put man!
okay back on topic: sean, me a sully tried to salvage whatever was left of the chair that “neighbor” threw into the fire and that shit was completely incinerated. but, like “neighbor” said, “them shits are $5”, so buy yourself a new one you rich motherfucker.
His name is Jim :rofl
As I was leaving I saw him heave the chair in the fire LMAO! I was like wtf! :rofl
Giants 44. Raiders 7.
Are the Red Sox fucking SERIOUS RIGHT NOW??? Letting up 3 runs in the top of the 9th…WHAT THE FUCK PAPELBON YOU DUMB MOTHER FUCKER!
Word! Yanks tonight at 7 right?
damn, sounds like i missed a good time last night! my old ass was STILL recovering from fri.
Yeah, my teams out now…FUCK, blew a 5 run lead WTF
Haha sox ftl!!