LVD Sat 10/10


So is there a test and tune this saturday ?

Not for people with horrible grammar.


lol WIN.


Sorry. I am the grammar police today.

Guys, Sean’s the grammar police today.

Joey please do not make me negative rep you.

lol Joey where’d all your rep go anyway?

:ahh :rofl

Singh used mod powers and negged me like -430 points.:vlad and Shady negged me like -200 points.

That means a neg rep from me could be a devastating blow.

^ Your grammar failed in that post.


Fixed it

am i the only one who thinks laduke’s posts are similar to that of a 14 year old female?

They do have their similarities but I believe a 14 year old good would have used better grammar.

quoted for hypocriticism.

:rofl owned

Easy leo