LVD tomorrow night...

shit happens, at least your motor didnt go. look at it that way. just rebuild your loss and come back stronger

He doesn’t have to rebuild :mwahaha
Sorry to hear about your troubles

not to acutally rebuild just get it going again and go back

Thanks man, lately i’ve had nothing but trouble with this car. A month ago my car strated ticking badly. Had it looked at and was told I have “valve lash”. Few days later I go up to LVD and run the Integra… Leaving the track I ran over something sticking out of the street and fucked my exhaust up. Riped off the hangers, and then my muffler dragged on the street ALLLL the way home to my house. Jacked the car up to find out that where it bolts up over the axle was bent to shit. Cobbed on there now with holes in the exhaust. "(tiny ones but can still hear) Now this happens to me. Not my month lol

Soo yeah, luckly I do have something lined up ;D

IF it makes you feel better, I was looking at my odometer when it hit 56666 on the way to the track today… 4 sixes must mean JDM-style death?


i was at the chop shop tonight trying to get this MX6 running again… my GTI is down for a while, but itll be back next week sometime… :ninja

fuckin i just went out to grab some food on my bike then my friend with is R6 called me, and this dude with a gsxr600 and another cbr guy came with us and they first wanted to go to lake george and i was like uhh no thx cuz im not even legal so then they decided on vermont so i was like whatever , only an hour drive tho from where I was , hudson valley area but i seen enough cops thats for sure i dont even wanna roll around until i get my bike inspected

Shit, that sucks man.

I thought you had taken a wrong turn somewhere.

haha nah that woulda been funny “took a wrong turn and i wound up in montreal”

really… my friends dad once told me him and his friends where in new york, “took a wrong turn” wound up in montreal LOL we were going on a trip to new jersey so he wanted to warn us to pay attention to where we were going, and I told him “i doubt i’ll wind up in canada trying to go to new jersey like you did, but thanks for the tips” LOL

arnold send ya the stuff yet?

going back to stock son.

nice! maybe if my car sells i might buy the hardware off ya for the next car… iono

were you spraying or was that N/A?

Dude it was all fucked up honestly, i couldn’t get a full run in on spray, either missed a gear or has traction problems due to not being able to heat up the slicks. That 13.2 run i hit spray for maybe the last 150 feet of the track…I need to get a line lock, a good tune and go back and dig for low 12’s…I was very frustrated, still am actually.

108/109 trap speed is pretty good though, so you should be happy with that

Oh, i’m happy with it, just it could be a lot better. I’m going to get a tune and get more seat time with the car and slicks and it should get better.

if it doesnt rain im def there next week

Me too. Watching obv.