hey pete wanna gemme a ride ill drive to ur house thats about all i got in gas lol
I might be running :ninja.
wish i could but i think i already have a passenger… sorry.
oh well all u guys have fun im a broke bastard
borrow some loot, come out. its gonna be an eventful night. s0n.
parents wont give me money cuz they tell me to work for it…and i do evrything and still get no money lol
just man up. 10 bucks is enough to get there and you can sneak in. tell them you need the money and go.
edit: i see you there err wedensday and always try to find a rizide
I’ll be there…spectating. Car is done for the year. Sticking to daily driving it and just some street action here and there, clutch is on it’s way out…and going fast. :headbang :sad
i might come up if i cna find some extra loot somehow… i got some money but i need gas and food plus its 10 bucks to get in =/ idk my buddy might run his R6 tonight and mike is running too…
ofc i need more $$
next wednesday fo sho :nod Already asked for it off. :nod
McFlurry just texted me. apairently my old integra is there running tuned for the first time.
i wish i was there to see it…
lol. you running wednesday?
looks like next wed is where its at :nod
pete, what did you run tonight? out of all the nights I don’t go, you run your vw :sad
i ran the daily, the good ol grey. 15.5@90.4
Nick’s old Integra still ran slower than a stock GSR…15.3@94mph :idiots
Ray got a new best time though… 10.1 @ 144(iirc)
oh and Murrdog9000’s stock GSR went 15.1 @ 91mph :runaway
looks like ray picked up a bit more power…
Yeah nice run for your first time Kevin. :nod Beat that jalopy diesel piece of junk