Mac Ibook question...

For some reason My ibook is running rediculously slow… It started doing it yesterday and now it’s so bad I can’t even get on websites, All it does is make sounds (thinking) and doesn’t do anything

Any suggestions?

BTW: I close out of everything too.

Did you press the standby button on your modem lol?


Did you press the standby button on your modem lol?


It’s nothing with the internet…it’s the computer in general…

bad memory perhaps? do a google search for Max OSX memory check or hardware check

How olds the machine, which OS are you running, have you installed a lot of software?

ummm… i have no clue what they did, but when i took my macbook pro to the mac store (after dropping it) i told them it broke and played dumb and got a new hd :stuck_out_tongue: Good thing i do a weekly backup, and it was monday so i lost nothing :wink: And when i got it back, it ran way faster…

Anyways, i dont know much about power pc macs so i cant help you much, and i think theyre a bit different… Try reseating the nvram or somethign like that, it might help… um… Yea… If you can do a compleate backup with superduper! and then format the drive with the os x dvd 1 with disk utility, then zero it out, and boot off the backup by holding down option on startup, then rebackup everytjing using super duper back onto the internal drive, it should speed it up a decent bit on a older comp

SuperDuper = win. Great backup utility.

Most times a simple restart should fix your issues. Or, hell, just restarting the web browser. I have 30+ day uptimes on my mac laptops regularly (when updates don’t screw me).

tyler my ibook did the same thing a long time ago. i called the applecare people they gave me some instructions to reset the memory i think? give them a call and they’ll help you out.

Something quick to check is if anything is running in the background. Easy way to tell is to look for a small black triangle near below the icons on the dock.

Usually that would constitute most of the slow speed issues I’d see come in.

Memory could possibly cause an issue if you are running multiple memory modules and one isn’t being recognized. (Ex. poorly seated non-functional) You should be able to verifiy this in the “About My Mac” in the Apple menu. If you are running extra, or know what is supposed to be there.

There are some other things to check however it’s hard to tell without knowing what is installed/actively running, or the specs.