got my laptop semi fixed, need opinion

ok so i have a macbook from about 5 years ago or so
anyways my screen broke and would shut off when i would open the computer more then like a quarter of the way
started out around a 90 degree angle, then eventually began to shrink
anyways brought it to mac solutions, they told me it was the logic board and would cost me around 600 to fix, i said eff that id rather just buy a new macbook pro
not worth spending the money on an old comp imo

so first question is does it make sense that its the logic board?

after getting it put back together i got it back and it seems the screen doesnt work at all, ok not a huge deal, things were disturbed, cant do much about it now
so i hook up my laptop to my tv in my living room
buy a wireless keyboard and mouse and use the tv as my new comp
ever since then though my computer seems to be like extra slow
slow surfing the web, and even slow doing every day processes like opening up applications and other things

so question two is does it make sense that after getting the computer taken apart and put back together that it would be slow?
anything i can do to fix this?

any info would be appreciated, thanks :tup:

I’m not too familiar with the Apple hardware, but it seems to make sense that the MOBO would be causing the issues. $600 is a lot (but expected) to throw at a new MOBO, but usually what the manufactures (HP, Dell, Apple) will whack you. Unless you are in love with your current machine I’d try selling the thing on eBay or something for parts and just get a new laptop.

Well I realize that’s pricey and was expected. I have no problem keeping the computer to use it on my tv in my living room. I just don’t get why all of a sudden it’s soooooo slow after all the time I never had any issues with it.

If the Logic Board is on it’s way out, this could be the problem…You could try replacing the HDD but, I don’t think it’d be worth it.

My guess would be the LCD signal cable is getting pinched off, is frayed or is loose. Closing the screen shouldn’t have anything to do with the MOBO. If you think about this…as the angle of the screen is getting worse and shutting off sooner is the MOBO flexing? Nope…the cable is the moving part as the screen moves. I’ve seen this before on many laptops, including powerbook g4 and macbook pros FWIW.

Just my 2 cents. :wink:

it could be slower if they messed up the thermal interface material, or just installed the heat sink wrong. That would cause it to over heat, and run slower to protect itself.

get some software to check the CPU and board temps

Agreed, though I’ve also see this be the LCD itself, as was the case on my Dell Inspiron laptop.

Yeah, if it’s noticeably slower there’s a good chance they did something to a heat sync.

Maybe…though the fan would probably be a giveaway if heat was an issue. My macbook pro sounds like a airplane when it’s getting too hot. Mac’s have excellent thermal controls, not to say they don’t run hot as hell. LOL

Boot holding the shift key and see if you can note any speed difference. This is the mac version of safe mode and it skimps down to basic os essentials. Might be a software conflict/corruption issue as for the speed. Bad drive is possible but rule out any software issue first.
Boot off your recovery cd and run a drive verify/repair and maybe repair permissions while your at it. You find this while booted off the OS cd and in the menus you’ll find “disk utility”.

As for the LCD itself…possible but doubtful IMO. It could also be the inverter shorting out for that matter…had that happen on an HP of mine before.

---------- Post added at 10:38 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:10 AM ----------

Also. I’d be pissed if they tore it down and it’s not working the way it was before they opened the case up. That shows something has been changed, whether on purpose or by accident. I would call them on it and let them know they goofed up. Macbook pro’s are kind of a PITA to open up and get back together properly…then again so are most laptops. LOL.

I have access to the Apple diagnostic software, which tests the MOBO without gutting the machine. Not sure why a shop would spend the time and take the risk and open it up to deem it’s a bad MOBO. :/[COLOR=“Silver”]

well before they tore the comp apart they said it was most likely the ribbon that was cracked and that would be whats causing the screen issues, they tore it apart not the ribbon, so they came up with the inverter, tried a new one of those didnt work, then they said it was the logic board and thats where it sits
to me its not worth spending the money to fix it as i said earlier id rather just buy a new mac book pro
for me though i dont even really need a laptop that i am done with school, im awaiting the new mac pros to come out so i can have an awesome desktop comp and be done with it

i told them about the screen not working anymore and they pretty much told me that it was already broken and by taken it apart and putting it back together it could have just broken it a little bit more
they said they cant do anything about it
weird thing is now the screen once it gets past halfway open it lights up, no screen, just a white light
where before anything over half would just turn the screen black

my biggest concern is the slowness
like i said i can use the tv as my screen and i have no problem with it
im gonna attempt to diagnose the slowness, was just looking for some guidance as where to start and what to try
im gonna try the “safe mode” soon
along with trying a backup system i setup some time ago where i used an external hard drive and copied osx onto it and used that as my comp for big programs like final cut and photoshop due to that having a large amount of space on it where my macbook only has 60gb

any other help would be cool
and thanks so far guys :tup:

Let me know if you need any other info. I think the safe mode and/or booting off the other drive will get you your answer about the speed.

Keep in mind I’m selling a nice loaded Macbook Pro for $900 rather than dump $ into a motherboard. :wink: