Madden 2005?

anyone playing it yet? or got the online adaptor?

i just got it!

I still have PS 1. :frowning:

wow…u belong on “I LOVE THE 90’s”

waiting for the torrent to come out for PC

i have it, just got it today (xbox) i have been playing madden since it came out. most recently on ps2 and online since it has been available. got sick of the quiters and cheaters online and stopped playing for the last year. i just sold my ps2 on ebay to get an x-box, bunch of my friends have it and we will be plaing online once i learn the new buttons…this controller is weird. so far the game seems cool but im super rusty and this is kinda new to me with the new system, controller and game.

yeah i already have one person quit on me and now i am playing someone way better then me for my first game

nfl2k5 is awsome (i dont contribute to madden’s whiny ass)

i heard that was pretty good or whas it espn football or whatever…

I don’t play many video games much, but a lot of people been praising ESPN.

Ray Lewis is on the cover. I sure hope the curse hits his murdering ass harder than any of the others.

I agree, NFL 2k5 is really good. Especially for 20 bucks. :bigthumb:

why didnt you ask me to get it for you whitey…my gf is the manager of EB games

yeah, ESPN 05 is awesome. and for $20, you can’t beat that. the game itself is just as good as madden 05.

i dunno??? i guess i just wanted it right away and i forgot about that

i never got past NFL2K1…

I like the Blitz games better anyway…

my favorite part in the games is the franchise mode. i love being able to control all aspects of the Game…
