madden 2010

who got it? whatcha think? graphics seem better on the 360 but the gameplay seems a bit slower. online franchise should be cool. anyone want to join my league? let me know i’ll send you an invite

just got the xbox back so hope to buy it soon

werd, if you feel like gettin whooped online let me know haha

lol i think ill let you just whoop adams ass. i suck at madden big time. i just stick to COD

i got it for the ps3.i think graphics are pretty much the same for both systems as well as frame rate and play control

I lost interest in Madden when they started all the Defensive Audibles and Hot Routes and all that bullshit. I like to pick up and play, not become a football expert just to play the game.

X to Hike
X to bring up receivers.
ABXY to throw.

haha yea i hear ya, but you can still play like that.