Madden 07 360

If you like football = buy :eekdance:
Ive played the ps2 verson which is also good but the 360 one is 100x better
The madden franchize also got rid of all that passer view crap and bad gameplay which makes madden great again (thank god)
now who wants to get some online play going ?

im getting it today

scarfa211 is my tag.

i played the pc ver last night, its pretty cool, some new things take getting used too, like superstar mode, where u only controll the player u made. lol took a bit to get used to that feature.

not that I have a PS2 -or- Xbocks, but…

little more specific about “bad gameplay”?

need to know if I should send it to the little brother


i think he means all the versions have that feature removed.

i cant imagine the 360 having gameplay differences that the others wouldnt

QB vision = the worst idea ever

madden is usually good until people find the subtle tricks that always work. ie: team’s blitz scheme that destroys the O-line 80% of the time, out and corner patterns that are near impossible to defend, etc.

what skill level do u guys play on? i hated the all madden level last year, someone who could score but wasn’t that good on D could rely on the cpu defense to save him.

game is pretty good, some slowdowns, but i like it compared to the others in the series.