

Madden ain’t got shit on this in terms of actual live gameplay and physics.

Those hits are NASTY.

Makes me wanna say he “got DEBACLED” like Emmit Smith did on TV:


that shit looks sick…

Watching that makes me want to go out and tackle somebody.


That does look sickkkkkk. Those hits you can do look intensee.

I just got playing Madden 10…nothing close to as cool as the videos above. lol.


/thread SiR

wow man that does look pretty fucking impressive… i’m looking into modding the 360s right now…

if you flash it so you can play backups do you know if they can boot you off xbox live?

Madden 10 is awesome, those backbreaker vids have been out for over a year, physics are cool but other than that it looks like it will be another version of a NFL blitz style game. I dont really like cartoonish football games.

Sweet $60 for Madden X, then 2 months later is Madden X.00000001 making X worth $7!

Sports games FTW :facepalm

No. If you flash it with ixtreme 1.6 you won’t get booted off. If you do it with 1.4 or older, you might because the new games are ‘wave3’. I just purchased a pre-flashed Jasper core 360 for $280. Jasper cores are the ONLY cores (not Falcon, Zephyr, etc.) that don’t experience the red rings of death. Basically, this system should last me years.

If you do get the rrod, google x-clamp fix for xbox 360.

what are you talking about? Madden comes out once a year

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cocaine, man. cocaine.