ohh hell yeah


next project!!!

I already modded my 360 to play backups, process went smooth, i got lucky and had the DVD drive that was able to be hacked. There is a hack for both as of now anyways, only able to play on dvd-dl as of now, but this is promising, a bigger hdd and a new dash!!!

also live is still playable ms has not sent an update as of now to prevent playing on live with backups.

WOOT just what i’ve been waiting for.

time to buy 360 =)

do you play fight night on live? that shit is intense looking on HD… pingpong too

yeah fight night kicked ass!!!

most realistic boxing game i have ever seen

been playing alot of top spin and baseball lately tho, addicting.


pm links to mod stuff?

or would you just be PMing directions to pacific mall… haha

check ur pm

damn, that was so quick

i feel like a cheap whore

thanks :smiley:

lol np

Kev is the man .Whether it’s hacking high tech game systems or modding GN’s to run high 13’s he’s the man.


lol yeah high 13s :slight_smile:

damn GNs

:mamoru: :wave: and I close on that 3-unit today.

d pm me the info, price u want, bedrooms, etc…

200 a month 1 bdrm but you have to share it w/ 2 other men:gay2: .
That’s right you have like 7 dogs,right?Nah it is a 2/2 or 3 dbl the upstairs could be made into a 3 bdrm.Studio in the back.depending how nice I make it high 4’s or low 5’s.When I get it i’ll let ya see it and decide how ya want it.

2 cats :slight_smile:

Might have to pick up a 360 soon.

its a fake, definitely. dont beleive shit that u hear there. ive been trolling the message board, and it would be very easy to get screenshots like that to show up on a 360 without even doing any photoshop. u can put a screenshot of xbox1 onto 360, use it as background, or use photo-viewer, and then just bring up the shutdown screen and u will get the same thing. the hdd thing is easy too. :tdown:

yeah well my hacks arent fake, so its a start.

Thanks… the 13sec GN made me laugh hard.

I’ll be buying one for the house, and I think I have to drop it off at Mr Kevs and get it worked on.


I’ll be getting one by the end of the year hopefully. maybe with my taxes…