Anyone know of any sales on Xbox 360s?

I read today that the newest 360 DVD drives have become quite ‘anti-mod’ from previous work some crafty people have been doing to the drive’s firmware. So I want one before they become near impossible to mod this way. Anyone know of any package deals or sales at a local store? I’m probably going to buy the upgraded package because I know I’ll end up wanting those accessories later and extra controllers. So far Walmart is looking good with the 20gb drive, wireless controller, Madden 2007 and a year of Live for $500 and some change.

Anyone seen anything better or work in a retail store where they can hook me up with a discount?

My friend might be selling his. He needs money and doesn’t play it that much. He has two controllers one wired and one wireless, a few games I’m not sure which ones, the dvd controller, I think that’s all he has.

that blows…

What have people been doing with their 360’s? I don’t really keep up with any modding.

I am not looking for a used one, sorry. Even though I plan on cracking it open immediately I want to start fresh.

Alternate firmware has been developed so that the DVD drive always reports that the disc is a legit game, even if it’s a copy. It’s not as simple as dragging and dropping files to a blank DVD, but the jist of it is that you can copy the game to a DL-DVD and the drive will play it as if it’s a pressed game. It’s still not up to par with the Xbox 1 mods, but it’s a start.

well globe also makes a chip that supposively allows unsigned fireware to boot… so essentially you can load a bios to boot whatever… but i’m not seeing too much out there on it…

hayabusa… let me know what your friend wants for the xbox

s10 - keep me posted on where you get with it… it’s discouraging to hear they are modifying the builds so that everyone has to start over… i bet that someone will figure something out though!

I just sent him an im asking him when and how much he wants for his xbox.

I haven’t heard of the globe thing yet. I know there were quite a few hoax mods that were hyped up but obviously never panned out to anything. Maybe that is the case? Either way I will begin my more in depth research soon. I had been keeping my reading to the minimal to keep my interest but not interest me enough to spend $300+ on a video game machine. Too late for that now.

Yes, it is discouraging but every system that has been modded has made new revisions to discourage the mod community… and every one has failed. It’s not a matter of IF. It’s a matter of WHEN. Took Xbox 1 about a year after launch for a solid mod to boot ANYTHING other than a legit disc. I think it was about 4 months for the 360… :kekegay:

I hate when the manufacturers make it hard to steal shit. :smiley:

Ok so the games he has are:

Ghost Recon 2, Final Fanstasy XI, Kameo

He also has the hdd with it.

go to…u can get a used one that is practecly brand new and theres nothing wrong wit it…and it saves u alot of money

He wants a new one man, can’t you read?

He can read. He can’t comprehend though.

well like i said…“it’s practically brand new”…i bought mine from there a ways back used and it works fine

it was just a suggestion…im tryin to help u out

well I stopped at Gamestop to get a game and an extra controller. The used Xbox 360s are only $20 less - so screw that. I just got one at Walmart.

wait til ps3 comes out.i bet they will drop the price of the 360

reeally thats it??? yeah my bad i thought they would’ve been hceaper

i was actually lookin for an xbox360 too an found one in the toys r us mag an its 420 an u get like the system a game and 2 controllers and 12 months of xbox live for free

xbox360 related: Has anyone played Saints Row yet?

Whitey got me hooked on GTA: San Andreas last year.
Just finished liberty city stories and now I am suffering withdrawl.

GTA IV will be available for xbox 360 next year. Currently have a PS2 and this might be a good excuse to get an xbox360.

My buddy played it at one of his friends house and said its his new favorite game. One of the hightlights he mentioned was that you can get drunk, smoke a blunt, then go drive around in a haze. I was thinking of going to rent it today but chances are it’s already rented.