Made it back to OC in 5.5 hours today.

in the middle of the day. ran along with some guy in a dark blue S4 at about 120 for a good bit of the turnpike. i am fucking invincible when it comes to cops. Excluding Kilbuck, but that doesnt count because I dont think they even bother with the guns and just pull over the first car that passes after they get set up again after issuing a ticket.

edit title

but good job!


i can usually do it in under 5 an night and without a girlfriend with a aggrivatingly small bladder. I want to get a Valentine One and drive 120 everywhere.


didnt ever cum see me!:sad:

i can make it from pgh to myrtle beach in a little under 8 and a half hours



:smiley: . hehehe


takes me 6.5 to get to stamford but i did it in 5.5 the other day dunno how i did that and i never stop

i get places faster than you all

35 min north hills to CAL

Cal U?


I make it to the outer banks in 12 hours


kids and a nagging wife really slow you down.

good time…but i might have you beat…i did philly(norristown) to Pgh thats old exit 25 to old exit 6 …new exit numbers are like 333 to 57

i did that in under 3.5hrs & it would have been around or under 3hrs if it wasnt for a bathroom stop & some traffic that slowed me down near breezewood.

i had dirty georg’s V1 with me of course.

i’ve done carlise to pgh in under 2hrs a couple time too.

who hasnt got to Carlisle in under 2 hrs. Shit, I remember the year the Prelude got smashed we were cruising at like 110 for most of the way, and then Kolar and firepubes Travis come blowing past us after stopping to fix something on (then) Kolars 1G DSM for like 15-20 minutes.

oc trip in my truck is usaully 5 hours… wtf are you doing wrong… hehe