fun day driving in pgh making deliveries....

pgh roads= the ghey i got stuck doing dleiveries today @ work–thats cool and all, i like getting paid for road raging.
12 pm… 51 n, stuck in traffic due to car accident, so swing back roads to get to destination…

1:30pm then go from homestead to 376, can’t get through tunnels due to wreck, take more back roads…

3:45 pm then going 28n, can’t get past ridc due to car accident, swing around, come back to butler st/washington.

4:30 pm head up to pittsburgh machine shop, go back down washinton–all 30 mins it took to get from frankstown to washington/butler intersection–it is closed (5pm)…

back up washington, fight it out through city… take back roads to get to bates— bates is closed. 6pm

Go down blvd allies to hit 376, closed… 6:30pm

finally get on 376, it is a cluster phuc,. get off homestead exit— it is jammed.

go up to sq. hill, roads are closed.

wait 35 min once i do get back on 376, only to see mudslides…

then finally i get home…

f rain… 3+ hour car drives just to get out of the city, and all that jazz…



:bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl:

wow… shitty day…

my chic lives in ligonier and was traveling through latrobe…[30] got by the hollow tavern area and had to turn around and back track the one way 2 lanes… go back through latrobe… out through norvelt… cut across donegule and get on 711… just to get home~

ive been though about 30 phone calls… haha… im lost! haha

i don t know of any other ways in or out of ligoniner…

Just got back from squirrely hill…had to go through oakland to get home. F that

see i was ready for this, 9/11/01 traffic gettin out of northside was a fucking nightmare. Any type of major roadway and busy street was jammed. It took me 2 1/2 hours to get home for a normally 10-15 minute trip that day. Today i heard it was 5 times as bad as that day. So i took my back route that didn;t involve much of any major streets except about 3 blocks of liberty ave. went across the 9th street from northside, around the convention center then through the strip down to a cut that leads up to bigelow, across bigelow up thourgh the hill by trees hall and instead of going straight down across 5th to forbes i cut it back into schenley heights and picked up fifth down by St. pauls, took the back way down past central through panther hollow up joncare, up parkview across the BLVD but had to back track cause swinburne was a mudslide, switched back through schenley park across the greenfield bridge while laughing at the people stuck on the parkway and up a few streets till iw as home.

yea that sucked and the worst part of it was the fact that i had to stand out side and connect phone lines to some ass holes house cause thats my job i look like i jumped in a pool
i was like 5 cars behind trhe 15 car pile up inj the tunnel