being late for work cuz of snow crew :sign in..

went down my street and theres a small hill at the bottom of it, well i was going about no more then 2mph but theres ice… slide sideways and spun around 3 times and stopped on the trolley tracks… :ugh2:
fuck that, i turned around and came back home, called the boss and said i wont be able to get there till they salt… he said cool so now im waitin :jerkit:

so how many other people are being late? or just not going? :hsdance:

I’m goin late cause there’s a 2 hour delay for school and the house I’m workin at has 2 school kids, so when they go late, I go late. It’s cool, get to relax a while.

nice, im sooo tired of this damn snow

i call bs i just drove my car from from latrobe to downtown pittsburgh …no just kidding at leat you did not hit anything

i almost pooped myself tho, cuz i didnt know if their were any cars or trolleys comin lol

i drove from south hills into downtown…didn’t take much longer than usual… maybe an extra 10.

coming out of the city and in oakland is bad on all the hills. I just got home and it usually only takes me 15 min in the morning to get home from working overnights. I left at 6:45 and came across two accidents. One being right on 376 east bound right before the forrest hills exit.

People are so fucking stupid. I also love how the city charged us the 52 fucking ocumational tax yet they can;t fucking salt…

Fuck pittsburgh…

i just had a bad experience with the icey hill thats all lol

I had that too because Penn hills has no salt because they are a bunch of fucking morons as well. My street is a solid sheet of ice and I did the slide backwards then sideways when I lost all momentum and had to stop. I was spining tire and moving backwards. :madfawk:

worst feeling ever!!!, i hate it when people are behind you too

i know someone selling a quaife limited slip for my neon, 600 bucks… might help it the snow too

:ugh: :ugh: no

It took me 1 hour to get to my work this morning cause fucking people don,t know how to fucking drive in this shit,and it was on 51 too!!! It,s flat people!!! It normally takes 20 mins to get here but noooooooooooo!!!

Hows the parkway east look ?

fine… well it was at 7:20 when i left

supposed to be here at 8. i woke up and heard about it bein icey and went back to bed. just got here a 10:40 :slight_smile: