so this snow is a pian

and so are morons behind the wheel. they get half way up my hill and start to spin, so they STOP??? :wtf: is stopping on a hill going to do for you??

i can’t wait, soon they are going to slide back down the hill and its gonna be bumper cars at the bottom

ROFL, gotta love it. No one in Pennsylvania knows how to drive in the snow. I hate driving in the snow, not because I can’t, but because everyone ELSE can’t!

My house is at the bottom of a pretty big hill. Even when the hill is wet cars spin out alot. I barely made it up today and spun the whole way until it levels off (about 900 ft). If I try to go the other way, its alot steeper hill but not nearly as long but its curvy too so a running start only helps a little bit. In summary - snow sucks.

yeah… i have a hill to go up, or i can go down the hill and get a running start at the other hill. but whatever, they are both fucked

I passed up a ford explorer who stopped on shady avenue on a hill and watched an old guy slam his car into an hillside because the moron slammed on his brakes at the last second instead of slowing down and taking it slow like everyone else. It was a fun 2 hour trip to work today. it’s nice getting here at 9:30 instead of 8.

if you think pennsylvanians are bad in the snow, go down to NC or SC when they get some snow, its ridiculous

when i was in vermont last week we got 6" up there over a period of an hour and a half…and traffic was still moving at 55+mph. course they use sand on the roads instead of salt so it’s a little easier to get traction if someone slams on their brakes. but driving back up here from pa last weekend people going 30 with dustings on the road

just tried to take her to work again… and traffic is still bumper to bumper on 279 from bellvue/west view on

haha…I just stopped at Euro Styles East for an hour or so till all the roads were cleared of rush hour vaginas…then i got to work to learn everyone called off. Exciting day ahead of me I can already tell!!! wooooooo

fuck idiot drivers…

took me 2.5 hours to get to work… i hate people at this point.


those hills by your house arent really even that long. just short and steep. Pretty easy to get up if you keep some momentum going.

werd. there are no hills at ALL here, and people still manage to get stuck/slide off the road.

Parkway? Damn…

nope… back roads to 885 / southside…

me = :owned:

me leaving @ 4:30 anyway = 'my company = :owned: ’

so it works out

90 minutes to go 10 miles… to take my wife to work and me back… fucking idiots need to learn to buy snow tires if you insist on driving a summer car in the winter…

this snow is so painful that i had to sleep in today to take it all…

sounds like someone cant handle their liquor and passed out last night. :kekegay:

Let’s start an argument on this one - front wheel drive going downhill, put it in neutral or low gear?

I bet we have people who are positive they are right on both sides and start calling each other idiots. :smiley:

i found neutral to work better, anyone who disagrees is an idiot :smiley:

i leave it in drive… i have full coverage :smiley: