Sick of traffic!

Anyone else tired of the construction going on around here lately? From the 3 different places on 28 to the Parkway getting shut down every weekend, it sucks. Between the hours of 3 and 6, I can’t go anywhere because everyone fucking detours through Fox Chapel and there’s a mile of traffic on Fox Chapel Road. It’s the same on Freeport Road to the Hulton Bridge: cars lined up forever. And every Sunday I go out with my friends to BWW in Robinson and now I get to sit in a fucking detour every weekend for 3 months.

Sorry to complain, but I don’t remember there being so many work zones since the year they worked on 28 for a year. It just sucks.

I wouldnt mind them working on the roads, if they actually fixed them so that they would last more than 3 years before turning to total shit.

I doubt that Pittsburgh roads will ever be as good as they promise. Who knows. Maybe I’m bias to all of this because I’ve lived in Ohio for two years and they don’t have many huge craters in their roads or many road projects going on at one time.

roads in MD are smooth as glass. Makes you wonder how kids with lowered cars/bodykits can even manage to keep their cars together for more than a week.

my route every morning 46 miles Parkway east to the turnpike get off on 119 to technology drive :slight_smile: . ( which is fine )
:ib jinxing myself tomorrow:

parkway sucks in general, side swiped almost 2 times:( dumb people not looking in their mirrors :bash:

you would almost be better off going rt 70

i dont know, no matter what its a long ass haul every morning :zzz:

North Hills is pretty good.

I sometimes forget how good our roads are up here… Then I drive down 79 to go to Benihana… and lose my wheelhousings when they vibrate loose on the rocky terrain they consider roads.

79 is heaven compared to the TP from monroeville to irwin :blanyer: :slight_smile:

Don’t forget about 376 between Wilkensburg and Downtown.
Or rt. 8 in Etna.
Or rt. 28 between Etna and downtown.
Or 5th avenue into Oakland.
Or much of the turnpike.

I think I should just stop before I list every road in Allegheny County.

I was ranting on the way to work today. Why can’t utility companies fix the roads after they dig a trench across them? It’s always like 6 inches below the road surface. There must be 4 places like that on my drive in. Would I get in trouble if I came out with a bunch of cones and bags of cold patch and fixed it myself? (I’m being sarcastic… maybe…) I’ll bring my shovel to lean on while I’m working too.

thats sure does suck!!! :bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl:

Ever drive in Harrisburg? It’ll make you appreciate Pittsburgh roads a lot more… :hs:


roads… pffft… it’s beyond me why the fucking city workers try to tear up sidewalks in the middle of a business day… i mean shit… there are probably an extra 50,000 people in pittsburgh during the work week and they decide to rip up the sidewalks (only place where a pedestrian doesn’t have a > 50% chance of death) at 7am in the morning :madfawk:

second ave to fifth all suck dick… worst roads evaR

pittsburgh is a dream compared to new orleans

roads = teh suck

try my old drive from uniontown to the usx tower every friggin day… 51 thru the tubes or 51, thru 885 homestead… they both were nitemares!

79 betweenthe parkway and Washington is pretty horrible. Parkway west inbound had some craters when I was back home. But the worst has to be the turnpike between Irwin and breezewood. :ugh:

:doh: speak when know something :finger: