Major U.S. oil source is tapped

WEll whaddya fuckin know… maybe this will quell “market jitters”. Trade in your 4cylinder rice and get some SUV’s and V8’s :wink:

Successful test by Chevron partners in deep Gulf waters could rival Alaska in potential supply; U.S. reserves may swell 50 percent.
By Chris Isidore, senior writer
September 5 2006: 1:31 PM EDT

NEW YORK ( – Chevron and its partners have successfully extracted oil from a test well in the deep waters of the Gulf of Mexico, an achievement that could be the biggest breakthrough in domestic oil supplies since the opening of the Alaskan pipeline.

The news sent oil prices lower, with U.S. light crude for October delivery sinking 69 cents to $68.50 on the New York Mercantile Exchange.

The announcement helped dampen fears that oil supplies would be swamped by growing global demand, a concern that helped lift oil to record highs this summer, unadjusted for inflation.

But experts cautioned that relief at the pump from the breakthrough is many years away.

“It sounds terrific, but this means nothing for the near-term period,” said Tom Kloza, chief oil analyst for the Oil Price Information Service, which surveys gasoline prices daily for AAA.

“But it should remind everyone that before they buy into the reckoning of $100 a barrel oil that all those estimates don’t take into account tremendous amount of money can be spent on exploration when prices are at these levels.”

Shares of the three partners in the test well known as “Jack 2” rose sharply in trading Tuesday. Chevron (up $2.10 to $66.93, Charts), which owns a 50 percent stake, jumped 3 percent, while Devon Energy (up $8.21 to $72.36, Charts) soared nearly 12 percent, and Norwegian oil company Statoil (up $0.57 to $28.08, Charts)'s U.S. shares added about 2 percent. Devon and Statoil each own 25 percent stakes.

Shares of other major oil companies with rights to this area of the Gulf, including Exxon Mobil (Charts), BP (Charts) and Royal Dutch Shell (Charts), rose modestly on the news.

Neither Chevron nor Devon would say how long it would take for oil from the well to reach market. Experts say it will take billions of dollars to build the deepwater oil platforms and pipelines needed to extract the oil and get it into world markets.

“At best we’re not going to see a drop of oil for five years, maybe seven years,” said Fadel Gheit, oil analyst for Oppenheimer. “It’s great news for Chevron and even more so for Devon. But you can’t hold your breath waiting for it.”

A boon for the United States
Almost all the oil platforms in the Gulf are relatively close to the shore, on a shelf that puts them in less than 1,700 feet of water.

In recent years, oil has been found in the deeper waters of the Gulf known as the “lower tertiary” area, where the water is between 5,000 to 10,000 feet deep, but it had yet to be proved that oil could be extracted in enough volume to make such finds practical.

The Jack 2 well, which is 175 miles offshore, is in more than 7,000 feet of water and then drilled through more than 20,000 feet of rock below the sea floor, or about five miles below the surface of the Gulf. Chevron said the test had a flow rate of more than 6,000 barrels of crude oil a day.

Chevron would not estimate how much its reserves would be increased as a result of the test, nor would Devon. But Chevron said that it now believes the lower tertiary region of the Gulf could hold reserves of 3 billion to 15 billion barrels of oil. Total established U.S. reserves are estimated at less than 30 billion barrels.

“Until now no one was sure if the oil in this play would flow,” said Zoe Sutherland, North American oil exploration analyst for Wood Mackenzie, a global oil research and consulting firm. “It doesn’t matter how many large discoveries you have if you can’t produce it. This is very exciting news.”

Sutherland said it is fair to compare the breakthrough with the opening up of the North Slope of Alaska in terms of U.S. supply.

Ohio Northern University Professor A. F. Alhajji said the implications of this successful test could also help to open greater offshore supplies at other fields around the globe. He said that could mean even greater addition to worldwide reserves than those that now seem to be within reach in the Gulf.

“Whatever technology they used, I can tell you companies are scrambling right now to try to use it,” said Alhajji.

Gheit said that it is only with oil at its current historically high prices that exploration at these depths really became economically practical.

“This is the silver lining of higher oil prices,” he said. “If we didn’t have higher oil prices, they wouldn’t have dared to risk this much capital here.”

yay 7-5 years.

so my children will have lower prices :tup:

in their new next-gen f-bods. :tup:

so if its only 3 mill barrels … in under 2 years the shit would be dry

bah … waste of billions of dollars right now

Or I could just keep filling my tank for 28 dollars.
and less than that IF the prices go down

That rulez, bad news, prices soar immediately even if the oil that was used in the gasoline at the pumps was bought at a different price. Good news takes FOREVER for changes to be made… :roll2:

It’s just part of the cycle.

10: High oil prices = Lots of money for exploration.

20: Lots of money for exploration = More oil sources being found.

30: More oil sources being found = Cheaper oil.

40: Cheaper oil = Less money for exploration.

50: Less money for exploration = Less oil on the market.

60: Less oil on the market = High oil prices.

70: GoTo 10

The thing that gets me is how the hell do you go out in the middle of the gulf and say" lets look 27,000 feet below here for some oil"That stuff just blows me away.Also if they didn’t hit anything by then,would they have went to 28,000 ft and so on?

i bet it was there the whole time and the govt had to wait until thy REALLY needed to tap it…

nah i was just watching something about it…

Guess there is some layer of hardened salt that makes it very hard for the sonar to find the oil so it takes them a long to to survey these areas

Hmmmmm just before election time?


eh … if they do plan to pump out the shit, a hurricane will fuck things up.

my idea still stands at nuke middle east… pave over… oil for all buck a gallon… our troops wouldnt be dying… and america would go in to an economical boom… travel would be up and it would all work out good… there woudl be no more “hunt for osama” no more war… that has been my thoughts since day one

Shhh we cant think with logic here, it is all Bush’s fault, it has nothing to do with supply and demand.

i vote for you for prez! no joke… i stand by that idea anyways…and who gives a fuck if theres innocent people… there pieces of shit over there…the women are beat to death…the men beat women all the time :scumbags: and the people who arn’t rich from oil are dieing from starvation.

^^ the last 3 posts made my eyes bleed. worst posts ive ever read.

People don’t want to believe that OPEC does not want the price of oil this high, but it’s true. With oil this high just this sort of thing will continue happening because the return on investment is there for serious oil exploration.

Look at it from OPEC’s perspective. You have a vast supply of oil, already found, and there is a huge demand for it. You know that at $50/barrel you’re making a killing. You also know that at $50 a barrel it’s harder for your competitors to search for oil in new places, therefor keeping your supply in greater demand. At $70 a barrel though, even though you’re making an insane profit in the shorter term, you’re also forcing more oil to be found and put on the market, thereby lowering your market share and hurting your long term profit.

The 3-15 million barrels is just a drop in the bucket, but that is just a start. The fact is this is a first of its kind operation, and will only result in more exploration and finds in similar areas.

To sum it up:
:tup: to capitalism. If you give someone a way to make a profit, they’ll do it.

The government controls the weather though. :tinfoilhat::biglaugh:

no no no here is your cycle

Cheaper gas means more people burning it which means a warmer climate which means warmer gulf waters which means more and stronger hurricanes which means more disruptions in the oil lines which means higher gas prices which means less people burning fuels which means a cooler climate which means less hurricanes which means lower gas prices which means…