We're running out of oil? suck my cock. MASSIVE Oil Field discovered in Gulf of Mex.



did ya honestly believe we are almost out ,come on top fallin into the hippie bullshit

yay… oiled up blondes with big titties wrestling on slip n slides!!!

Guess who has had stock in BP for a little over a month.
Guess who is smiling right now.

Not this guy

bill gates?

cossey ya lucky fuck ,ya gotta woman or ya still need one ?i have nice breasts and like any other bitch i wont put out but i will wash your cars in a very scimpy outfit

Haha.Sorry John, I’m taken.

i dont mind a open relationship ,shit that means less shit i goota do lololol

Great thread title :rofl


Can’t wait until they drill Alaska as well :number1

Word, fuck an Elk.

cossey like his women like he likes his oil, dark and slippery

oh nice! when my A6 is paid off, im starting my search for an RS6, factory twin turbo V8 FTMF