We're saved!

Or fucked. Depending on whether or not you believe in global warming.

They found a metric ass load of oil off the coast of Brazil, enough to boost Brazil into one of the top 10 oil exporters in the world.

More oil for everyone! I’m going to go start my Xterra so it idles from now till lunch and I have a nice warm truck to get into. :tup:

You are forgetting one word… “could”.

yea, c16 for everyone.

And they expect to find much more from what i’ve been reading elsewhere.


Just wait for…Oil found in Buffalo NY

and the city is saved!

niiiice. They got their hands on the light stuff too.

Great success!! /borat

and holy shit, I wish I had some stocks in the them before!

Granted, but it’s under a grain elevator. Sam Hoyt files a lawsuit and blocks the drilling of it.

Shit, wrong thread.

And then Byron Brown sues because not enough of the workers building the oil rigs are from the city.

By the time it’s all settled Canada has drilled in sideways, pumped out all the oil, and revitalized their side of the river on oil profits (ala the casino).

This just in, Bush declares war on Brazil…Post game to follow.

Dont worry KELLY is going to save the bills and then the city.

hmm… i normally would be excited. But in a total non-selfish act, i hope this doesn’t hinder any advances towards alternative fuels. I much rather see some really sweet new technology over saving myself $6/week.


Fuck You Byron.

i just hope this puts gas prices down into the low $2.00

Man…stock went from like $24 to $117

WOW. I wish I invested in that

bitch, buy a new computer for your new sweet technology.


wasn’t it Brazil not too long ago that was a bit upset with us? i dont follow politics at all, but i thought that somewhat recently a country in south america had put us on their shit list…

I hope they find oil under my house

they did, its all of them

IB4 CNN… Bush pulls troops out of Iraq.


:word: It’ll be painful for a while, but I hope we run out of oil before we prove Al Gore right.