Majority of Seal Team 6, killed.

And of course, thats the bottom line

The people will never know what actually was going on or why they were really there. But anyone who has done Combat time over seas knows shit goes south real quick.

yeah, no kidding dude…last week was the 7th “anniversary” (makes is sound like a good thing…) of when I lost 6 friends in one firefight/vbied

Sorry to hear. Its never easy dealing with those days when they come up. I just try to remember the good times you had with the ones who are gone.

Sorry to hear man… must be tough. My brother just got done with basic for the guard about a month ago and I’m getting nervous because I think hes going to be sent over.

A big problem with helos over there is actually crashing because of flying low and losing visibility from kicking up dirt/sand (im speaking from experience of flying on helos when I was over there) the visibility is next to nothing especially when landing and the pilots have to hope the guages are working properly.

But yes bottom line is this is terrible news.

Iraq is the reason I got out of the Marines I watched too many friends and fellow servicemen die.

They said it’s rare that so many spec ops guys were on one helicopter so they must’ve been ready to get in some shit.

Listen. To this man , he knows all to well

I heard earlier there’s still a fierce battle raging at the crash site as they’re trying to recover the helicopter.

like another black hawk down scenario??

I know those helicopters they use have alot of information on them that we dont want others to get to.


Exactly. With the intelligence the SEALS and Air Force controllers were carrying they have to salvage the Chinook and the Taliban know this.

they should just nuke and flatten that hole shithole of and area and make it an international parking lot.

rip to the soldiers

Want to know what sucks the most to me about all this?

That it has come to a point where I dont believe a damn thing anymore unless I see it. Its almost to the point where I have no respect for my government, because EVERYTHING is a he said she said story. Who knows maybe all of this “story” is 100% true. If it was that makes it sad, because the respect for the people killed is partially lost by a big “boy who called wolf” scenario.

I am just sick of feeling like I am living inside a game. Where people of power; government, authorities, news groups, politicians cant seem to agree on anything anymore and the facts are lost within the first hour they are released.

I would honestly feel better, and respect the government more if they just kept their internal actions and issue to themselves. The public and the world doesn’t need a group, or a name to the people involved with taking down Osama… all we need is simple proof that the mother fucker was dead. And once again they did the opposite of what would make sense to “normal people”… they covered up the body and spewed the news with “Hey look at meeeee, Seal Team Six. WOOOHHOOOO” bull shit.

RIP to the potential solders that died.

And fuck you if you think I am an asshole, you know damn well you feel the same ways but dont have the nuts to say it. :slight_smile:

I will play black ops in their honor tonight