SEAL team charged after prisoner capture

This is a fucking joke… A bloody lip?

If the SEALs have to come get you, you probably deserved punched in the face

Are you fucking kidding me??? seriously, WTF… If this honestly goes through… My guess is more of the bad guys are going to end up dead instead of captured…

Talk about a slap in the face to our black-ops guys…

makes me SO mad, esp after seeing that pic and caption next to the article

Read about it this morning and was just sick about it.

What happens when someone refuses orders due to our litigious society?

This ruined my day…

This pretty much sums up everything(not every one) that theyre going to get charged with…

Personally, they shoulda ordered a friendly helicopter, or air strike on their position and this wouldnt have happend…

Yes, from my line of work, I know how shitty this is, but I couldnt resist that one.

Is anyone surprised by this?

I blame the liberals.

why isnt this being reported anywhere but fox news?

all i could find in a google search of “navy seals assault charge” was the same story on and

edit- oh, it can also be found on

really, this smells a bit fishy


New York Post

CBS News

Fox broke the story and the other news sources are slowly picking it up.

This is indicative of what is wrong with modern warfare.

bullshit. just plain bullshit.

Fuck that, since when is war and combat fair and just?

This kind of stuff will be the downfall of the United States, guarantee it.

NEW YORK (CBS) - Three members of the elite Navy SEALs, who were hailed as heroes for capturing one of Iraq’s most wanted alleged terrorists, are now being court martialed for roughing him up, according to Fox News.

Three Navy SEALs involved in nabbing one of Iraq’s most wanted terrorists are reportedly facing criminal charges related to his capture – all because he claimed he had a bloody lip.

The SEALs took down Ahmed Hasim Abed, the alleged mastermind of a ghastly 2004 incident in which four American contractors who worked security for Blackwater USA, were murdered in Fallujah and two of the bodies were hung from a bridge over the Euphrates River.

But instead of being praised as heroes, the SEALs are all facing charges and have hired lawyers, reported.

not that i dont trust faux news… but i dont trust faux news

also, do any of you really think these “charges” are going to stick?

its faux news’ job to get peoples panties in a bunch and, as always, they are doing a hell of a job at it

Jam, it’s a real story, lol.

If NBC had broke this story, would you say they did it to get “panties in a bunch?”

If it’s true. It’s bullshit. We gave the president power to do what he had to do and he abused that. You are going to punish the instruments of those decisions and not the decision maker? Fuck this country.

why didnt nbc break this story? are they really that incompetent? did they do it on purpose bc the liberal media is out to get us, or is fox news really that great at reporting important news that really matters?

News agency’s do this all the time; one brakes a story, the rest check it against their sources then report on it as well. They all have different sources, contacts, etc.

There isn’t anything new about this process. It has nothing to do with competency or bias.

We’ll see what happens. Hopefully they get acquitted of everything and it sets a useful precedent.