Chris Kyle killed at shooting range

Amazing guy, truly sad.

That is fucked. Killed on his own home soil.

R.I.p true hero

Super sad story, RIP a modern day war hero.


It’s a shame fellow Americans can’t let a men or a child die now days without making it political and blaming conspiracies. He hasn’t been dead for for 24 hours and people are already using his death to support their views and beliefs making him a martyr.

From the comments

He wasn’t “killed” more like was murdered !!! People are getting smarter then that !!! No body believes a fucking word the government says anymore !!!

Lately though, there’s just way too many coincidences. Too many Generals “retired” or “removed.” Too many SpecOps dead. Too many to ignore. Something is definitely going on.

We are now being HUNTED.


With the Aurora shooting occurring at the same time the Illuminati Olympics started and a shooting of Indians at a place of worship at the end of the Olympics. The Batman movie showed Aurora and sandy hook in the movie. What elce did they show? The Super Bowl. There is something off with this because here this happened the day before the Super Bowl. Another story to deonis guns and veterans!

And the one sane person chimes in

The comments posted so far would make a rational person far more afraid of his fellow citizens than the “government”.

That’s just disrespectful and embarrassing. If you’re one of those people FUCK YOU.

Have to disagree to some extent Vlad. I don’t think it’s a conspiracy theory that someone with a $20,000+ bounty on his head was hunted down and killed.

It’s unfortunately common for people deployed to Iraq or Afghanistan to be hunted down when they return home. This is why in most of the pictures I took overseas most people have blurred out faces or “fake” name tags.

Normally soldiers, operators, and agents know enough not to put up identifiable information online and diligently burn anything with names and addresses on them (including those nice care packages).

To some degree, writing a book and sharing all of that information with the public is really asking for a bullet.

I hope you all feel safe now.

If I recall from the article it was his friend with PTSD that shot him wasn’t it?

How common is suicide or ex soldiers just snapping with PTSD?

Guy was a hero 100’s of times over… The more they speak about him, It gets sadder because of all his accomplishments most people wouldn’t have known about him till now.

Reason why the worlds as fucked up as it is, is because there’s not many guys like him…

quite common.

One of my buddies were telling me all about this. When he was in Afghanistan, there’d be people going through their garbage trying to find envelopes or letters with names and addresses on them. Lots of times they’d use scopes or spotting scopes to look into the base just to look at name tags and faces, then since everyone and their mother has Facebook or something, they’d search on Google. He also told me about soldiers having to go home because their wives or family called them because someone with a strong accent called them asking about the soldier and/or threatening them.

It’s a fucked up world we all live in, and this is one of the reasons soldiers get such a great respect from me.

Suicide killed more soldiers this year than insurgents did. 325 suicides among active and non-active Army alone, and 313 killed in combat throughout the entire military.

If you’re in another country as a sniper, certain people will want you dead and will go to any extent possible to see it through.

Vlad; next time you have some free time look up “COINTELPRO”. That actually happened (or is probably still happening under a different name) and its not some off the wall “commies are gonna get us, man. UFOs are real, man” BS. Someone fucked up and put the documents in the wrong spot so most of them were never destroyed when mass panic set in that everyone would find out what the CIA/FBI was up to under the Freedom of Information Act. That’s why everyone second guesses government actions and conspiracy theories come out of the woodwork like what Pitman goes on about. Look up how a group of African Americans in Tuskegee Alabama were intentionally injected with an STD and told is was a vaccine.

Point being; as a general population everyone is told and taught the US never does anything bad and we point fingers at the bad countries, when in fact some shady shit has gone on here. Understand that and you can better understand all points of view. I don’t necessarily believe in all these weird conspiracy theories either, but there’s a reason everyone comes up with them.

according to BBC News:

“Erath County Sheriff Tommy Bryant said the motive for the killings was unclear, and was unable to explain how the two men were shot.
But he said a 25-year-old suspect was detained five hours later more than 70 miles (110 km) from the scene.”

I’m going by the info in that article. The U.S. media is too quick to “create” information when they are lacking enough to make a story.

325 suicides last year… really, try a number twice that or possibly triple that. those numbers are so skewed and falsely reported, according to or something. thats why we go thru all that training thats made mandatory.

Army suicides will always be the highest, they have the biggest branch AND the most people that join for the wrong reasons and can’t hack it when they realize what they actually got themselves into.

Already seen a handful of FB posts saying Obama had this man killed…and one saying the whole story was fabricated by the media. :Idiots

Idiots that don’t trust the media, get their information from the media.

Maybe he’s not even dead, how would you know, after all you cant trust them saying that he is.

Maybe he was an actor. There is no autopsy pictures.

Maybe he’s a fucking unicorn.

Ex military guys at a gun range that were diagnosed with mental issues and possibly had personal problems would never go off.

Here is a CRAZY theory. I mean completely out of this world and crazier than “government” and or terrorists somehow planning this while out, somehow.

A girl was involved.

Mind blown. :wow I know!

From now on. Every gun related death - government first. Logic later.

I’m not saying it was a conspiracy. All Im trying to say is everyone has a point if view and opinion. Naturally everyone thinks its a government inside job because of all the gun control talk. If this happened last June no one would think twice.

I’m fine with people having their own views and opinions… as long as they can back them up and have a discussion.

Otherwise “you” sound like a preacher who screams his agenda over and over again but can’t explain it, can’t back it up and can’t answer the questions when asked.

Aka waste of time and web space.

Shame this guy did all that he did and returned home safe only to be slain needlessly on safe ground :frowning:

He was a high profile military sniper. Unlike most people like him, he chose to do TV and radio appearances, public speaking, write a book, etc…

One of the most hated men by the Taliban got killed at one of the safest places he could be (home soil, controlled environment for shooting, etc…). It’s a real tragedy, but I could understand how some conspiracy theorists are tossing up a flag (like how they do with everything).