Make a photo bigger.

I have a picture of my dads camaro and i was wondering if anybody could make the pic any bigger. Thanks in advance

You can make it as big as you want, but the bigger it gets, the blurrier it will be.

Open it in Paint, go to image -> stretch/skew and do it that way. You’ll see what I’m talking about.

Ok i didnt know if there was a way to make it not blurry but i already tried that.

only on CSI.

best i got

You can try to throw it in Photoshop and change the image resolution (dpi) and see how much that helps…Still will be blurry though, but better than strectchin it.

This image has a DPI of 1000…was 97 when I first looked at it. It’s probably not going to get much better then that?

I’m amazed it looks that good.