making of pinks

on demand comcast cable , there is a lot of pittspeed footage, actually pretty cool

it was on wednesday night and thursday morning on speed

so i am a little behind the times

lose the honda and that won’t be a problem.:moon:

On demand ftw

THis show really kinda killed pinks for me. I idn’t relize there was so much “directing” behind the scenes…

are you kidding me check out the video we made of the show. (behind the scences stuff) looking for links

yeah there is more than you’ll ever know of what happened down there and 48 hours before.

wow, nice work guys!

so true

I have seen that video a few times. I just dont remeber seeing all the TV style directing in your video. The making of Pinks show, seemed to make it more like a racing show about TV, than a TV show about racing…

whatever happend to the 240 and the 5.0 ?


big fucking fire

i thought they got sold on ebay :confused:

More info…:rant:

wasnt it suppose to be put on ebay (or something) and the money being donated to some kind of charity? (thats what was said before i think) i could be wrong and just making an ass out of myself, which usually happens:bigthumb:

sold on ebay a few months ago. get with the program! :doh: