So after drinking one night i hop in my car and this song pops on. The kind of song that gets people in the mood to pull your seat in the upright position and start shifting gears like theres a cash purse sitting at your apartment if you make there in under 3 min. I realized I hate my stock seats but am not about to fork over 600 bones for a bride. Making seats can’t be that hard and make them come out like the ones @ bride ect. I’m going to start this week and try to make a proto-type. Any suggestions would be help full. I figure I’m just going to start with mesh wire for the initial form and then fiberglass the rest of it and make holes for the belts. I just can’t figure out how I’m going to mount brackets to it. Anyone know how to do this with out cracking the fiberglass or maybe i should use wood?
i think a few hundred bones is going to be much less than the aggervation involved making your own seats.
I’d be interested to see this, but I agree with the above statement.
With the price of materials and time you’ll need to do it, it might be worth it to just buy a cheap set of seats. Who gives a fuck if they’re APC. Buy a sparco patch and hot iron it over top.
Or you can think about the fact that if you wreck they are going to fold you up like a burrito. Same as APC seats.
The couple hundred $$$ is worth it to me.
i have a corbeau forza twas only $220
Yep. There are manufacturers that make FIA homologated shells, and foam forming kits that you can do yourself. You’re still going to have to buy brackets/sliders/foam trimming tool, and something to make a cover out of. It isn’t cheap, but if you want a seat MADE TO FIT YOU, then it’s your only choice.
Yeah… You can buy decent seat for under 600.
The link I posted from summit is only $36.
A little bracket and some cloth and you’re good to go. :D:D:D
Your a fucking retard :nono:
Not a good idea.
No one is going to want to ride in your car if they know you made your own seats. It would be a death trap.
Pick one,
Driving drunk, or driving in your own hand made seats. I’d rather take my chances with drunk if you’ve never worked with glass, or composites before.
fork out the cash. Buy the seats the 1st time or your just going to end up buying them after you fill your hands and arms with fiberglass
That shit’s not fun…
Don’t be such a cheapass
this one time i took a thing of pink panther fiberglass and rubbed it all over someone’s clothes. it was a real asshole thing to do. i’d hate having arms filled with it…
Welllll…First mistake you made was drinking/driving…So who gives a fuck about your seets…Drive sober/safe its better than any sparco out there.
Thank you for the advice, I checked the website that you referred me too and I only wish i would of checked pitt speed a couple of days ago before buying the materials i did. After spending a poor mans good amount of money on the project and a couple of days a pair of pants and lots of soap I found at least 2 ways not to make a seat. The finished product was 75% 2inch thick maple wood frame that had mesh wire layed down inside, then screwed in with 20-25 screws for fear of the fiberglass cracking if I didn’t apply enough on. After i used the orbiter on it to try to polish it up I found it wasn’t deep enough, the seat belt holes weren’t wide enough, the seat was horribly uncomfortable and i still didn’t have a good way to add mounting brackets to the seat. It probably would of been easier to cut a coffin in half, nail it down to the car and throw pillows in it and be content. But it was fun and testing the chair durability couldn’t of been more enjoyable. Like most of my ideas they come out easier after a drink. So two C-clamps and a sledge hammer later…
Still looking for more idea’s or types of steel or brands of fiberglass to stay away from. Anyone know of the proper detergent or soap thats used to get fiber glass off of your skin?