I/C GB: kirkey Racing seats

Hello folks. If we/I get at least 10 people to go in on these seats


I can get them for $350 Canadian tax in, with the cover.
The seat is regular $245+tax and cover is regular $148+tax US dollar.


Intermediate Road Race Seat
47000 Series

I am making nothing off of these, I’ve rounded up, but it will only cover my gas to go pick them up and bring them to my place. This is to keep the end cost down.
I’ve sat in one (Canadiandrifter240sx) and wow does it hold… great seat.

The fitment guide is on the site… choose your width and cover colour and let me know.

Pick-up/Delivery can be Orangeville, Niagara, Brampton, Mississauga.

I’ll see what happens if there are more then 10 people are interested. No cash collected until 10 people are in.

  1. P.Ruddy seat 47500 / cover 47511

These seats are definetally wicked. They are even very comfortable for daily driving. They are light, and hold veeeeery good.

See how money is in the next few maybe i can get one!!

Whens the deadline?

I’d like to get the order in by March 31st… they have to manufacture them and then I have to go pick them up…

I’m contacting them now to find out their turn around time and if the cost will go down with more then 10 orders.

I’ll keep everyone posted.


  1. P.Ruddy seat 47500 / cover 47511
  2. B.Hebert seat 47500 / cover 47511

do u know wat kind of seat rail/bracket does this seat use?
how high would it sit in a S13
is there cover that don have the badging on the headrest
and is there ne pic w/ black cover?

I don’t know which braket will fit right up, but I will find out. There are also lots of bright people on here that can fabricate them. My guess right now is that you will need a custom one made, not very difficult.

How Canadiandrifter240sx has his mounted in his car, you are not super high in the cabin. I will take some measurements and what not my next trip to visit the guys at S1DC.

And there are no pics of the black, I can email the company and see if they have any that they can send me.

They all come with the badge.


any pics of the install in canadiandrifter’s car?

I’m going to see him tomorrow, I’ll take some and get measurments as well.


just wondering, are those seat FIA approved?

If Chris is at the shop tonight i will take some pictures of his seat, location, mounting and everything. I will find out if its approved as well. Since Patrick lives so far away ill take some pictures to save him a trip.

They will be up tonight.

Thanks buddy…

ne updates on the seats?

my bad guys i forgot to take pictures… Will do it ASAP just have no time with all the cars needed to be finished in 12 weeks.

Pics up ASAP!!

FIA is European, these seats are made in North America for competition in North American events, mostly drag racing which does not have restrictions on seats.

Spending the dosh on getting the seats approved doesn’t make sense.

At most they have recommendations - ie, if you change your seat, we recommend you use X-approved.

thx for the info
i was just wondering it is apporved or not, i didn’t know wat standard we use here in NA, and FIA is the first thing that popped out from my head

and will this GB still a go if there ain’t enough ppl?
i’m interested but wanna c how it mounts, cuz i need new seat for summer


Need 10 seats for this to go through at that price, I may extend the dead-line a little if we are close.

Pic’s coming soon.

still no pix?

How do these compare comfort wise to s14 seats? Better? Worse?

When one thinks about it, endurance competition seats should be ultra comfortable if one were to do a few hours of racing… but then again… that’s just a thought.

Long drives = how is it?

Chris has it in his daily driver, I’ve sat in it for a few moments and it was really comfortable, Chris would have to comment on the comfort for long drives.
Pics coming soon.


Comparing aftermarket seats to S14 seats should be a good measure.

Frickin hell everyone’s ignoring this place cmon ppl speak up :-/