Seat Options

what to get? i have a black car with black/ dark gray interior…

Black Racing seats?

![ seats.JPG]( seats.JPG)

Grey/Black racing seats?

![ black seats.JPG]( black seats.JPG)

Or SRT-4 Seats + Rear?

![ seats in 1st gen.jpg]( seats in 1st gen.jpg)
![ seats in 1st gen rear.jpg]( seats in 1st gen rear.jpg)

thing is, i can get the racing seats for $250 shipped…
SRT-4 seats plus rear im lookin at around $600, unless i can find them in a junkyard or some stupid retard sells them dirt cheap
(but they bolt right up and look factory)

anyone got any opinions? i just want something to hold my fat ass in better :blue:

I’m forced into looking into racing seats right now too. The leather on my driver’s seat is starting to really fall apart and when it was in the shop for the paint the seat bottom got pretty torn up. I just put in my 6-point rollbar too so I want something that’ll work w/ some harnesses and keep me planted when AutoXin’.

I really want a particular set of Recaros but that’s waaaaaay too much $ right now. So I’ve been lookin’ at some of the cheap-o seats to get me buy for a year or so. There’s a bunch ‘o shit on Ebay I just wonder how poor the quality is. I’m 6’ and about 200lbs so I don’t think I need an extra-wide seat but I don’t want something that is going to raise my seating position a ton (I want to have my helmet clear w/ the tops on). Also, I want something that I can make slide too. I don’t give a shit 'bout folding forward though cuz I took the rear seats out w/ the rollbar install.


:slap: not 1 time in those 2 paragraphs did you say which of the seats above that you like :rofl:

but ya i like the seats i have now, just want something to hold me in better… since i’ll be autoxing too
if it comes down to it (if i get racing seats) i have a pair of sparco 4 point harnesses in the shelby…

I like the 1st ones and the 3rd ones so really hard to say

save your money its NOT A RACE CAR!!! ITS A FREAKING neon a NA neon

watch those ebay one, you may not be happy with them. I like my corbeau’s and they hold you really well in the seat. They also make brackets for most cars for like an extra 60 bucks which is worth it. It totally eliminated that problem you mentioned about possibly rasing your seat up too high. Mine slide front to back and tilt forward. You can talk to Lou from Laurel mount mustangs because he is an offical dealer.

I like the SRT-4 ones, but why do you need seats? save for a SRT-4 swap

try baisly 724-455-6100 he may have srt seats!

srt seats :wtcslap:

One thing to think about is that the SRT seats don’t have slots for a harness.

need race car first

ain’t nothing a big knife can’t take care of.

I like the all black racing seats - doesn’t summit sell their own brand of seats for like $40 or something ridiculous like that?

i would love to get them… cuz they look factory :yum:

but they do hold you in quite well…

true, i could always take them to an place that does interior and have them put in tho

im callin right now :slight_smile:

such a ricer… get power to back up your need for racing seats

maybe he wants them for autox…since he says he wants to do that this year. which case a seat and a harness are 2 of the best investments

NEVER buy a seat you haven’t sat in yet.

I learned that at Super Autobacs last year.

Because of the way seats grip you, many can be too narrow for your shoulders, or too narrow for your ass.

x 1 million

since when does power equate to needing a seat? you’re not thrown side to side and needing bolstering because you’re acclerating too fast


you can’t explain lateral movement to someone like cutty…

he thinks cars are for going fast in straight lines, and having bench seats for “the ladies”