Man Builds Full Scale McLaren F1 out of Matchsticks

wow…some1 had alot of free time

match stick conventions.

one work comes to mind.


I’m suprised you don’t have the entire 2008 GM fleet completed yet. wtf.

Wow …

What a Retard…

I wish I had much free that much free time

That much free time and however much 6000 euros to waste on it would be…

wow indeed… i’d build a regular mclaren F1, not the indy style car :slight_smile:

956,000 Matchsticks. Interesting. that means, by my calculations, a similar model could be constructed with 1,876,337 life sized plastic replica’s of 1320’s penis.

What a waste of 956,000 matchsticks. Just like how people wasted $19,000,000 on Ron Paul. :rofl:

something makes me want to set fire to it…


he didn’t build a McLaren, he built a mercedes F1 car. The starter of this thread is a giant retard.

:hsugh: That sure looks like the McLaren Mercedes MP4-21 F1 car to me.

Maybe the guy can build you a short bus made of matchsticks?

pwned :kekegay:

me= :owned: :frowning:

It happens. You just got it confused with this:

I read the title of the story “Man Builds Full Scale Mercedes F1 From 956,000 Matchsticks” and then I hear people throw around mclaren f1, it is not a mclaren f1. I never knew mclaren and mercedes were together.

Not 100% sure on this one, but I don’t think Mclaren builds engines. They just build the actual racecar. I know for sure there have been Mclaren cars powered by BMW, Ford, cosworth, porsche, honda and mercedes.