Man dies after sitting in his recliner for 8 months....

Wait I tore my ACL a few years ago and walked on it for 3 months prior to surgery I also know people who have torn their ACL and never had it fixed and just deal with an unstable knee. Somethin aint right here.

I picture this happening to 3/4ths the people who post in the CoD thread.

lol Cliff.

i had a torn acl for 2 years and have had 3 acl replacements done on my right knee, with that said i understand the price of this work and can see why people would put it off but this is a condition that people can live with however his weight needed to be lowered to relieve the joint a little. the best thing he could have done instead of sitting in a pile of crap was to exercise a little and try to drop weight.

heh…HEH-heh… heh-heh-heh BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH sorry couldnt hold myself

Murrdog will be the first.

Um, can I meme this?

please do

the cheese is lunch, not after the gym.

one more reason for me to say religion is for the week, and who cant face life in a realistic point of view

meh fuck em, thats what he gets for being that dumb.

PJB, I’m proud.

wheres your almighty god now fatboy?

nahhh im not really that cold and heartless.
wait, yeah fuck it, i am.