Man dies after sitting in his recliner for 8 months....

Pretty disturbing story to say the least…

COLUMBIA, South Carolina (NBC) – Believing his faith would heal him, a Greenwood County, South Carolina man sat down in his recliner after an injury in March and never got up.

On Thursday, his wife explained why he stayed in the recliner until shortly before he died.

“The man totally believed in God and his healing,” said Ada Webb.

In March, Webb’s 550-pound husband, Tillmon, sat down in a recliner inside their trailer in Greenwood. Wearing nothing but a blanket, the 33-year-old didn’t move from that recliner for the next eight months.

“He couldn’t do nothing for his self and I couldn’t do but so much,” Webb explained.

Webb says Tillmon tore his ACL in March and drove to a doctor’s office.

“They were gonna give him an appointment, but they wanted $300 up front, and we didn’t have the money,” said Webb.

Webb says he returned to the recliner, picked up his Bible and became determined that faith would heal his leg.

“He read his Bible daily, he spent his full focus on God,” said Webb. “And he was literally waiting and praying for a Job miracle. If anybody knows the Bible and knows Job, he really and fully believed that God was going to heal him just like he did Job, because he said he couldn’t think of a better testimony to go out and to tell people.”

For eight months they had no visitors. Webb rarely left his side, and she tried to keep him clean.

“I couldn’t get him rolled over to use a bedpan,” said Webb.

Other than eating and reading the Bible, she says Tillmon posted sermons online and texted messages of faith through his cell phone.

“He wanted so much to get up and you know, he wanted to tell everybody what Jesus done,” said Webb.

Webb says Tillmon consistently told her not to call for help. She says Wednesday morning he was in so much pain that she finally called an ambulance.

Greenwood County authorities say they found Tillmon covered with sores, and that he appeared to weigh about 800 pounds. They say he was stuck to his chair, and they had to saw the recliner apart. They cut a large hole around the front door to get him out.

He died at the hospital.

Webb says she has no regrets about leaving him in that recliner.

“If I feel anything right now, it’s envy for him because I wish he had taken me with him,” said Webb.

Greenwood County deputies will not charge Webb with a crime. They determined she had no malicious intent of neglect.

Neighbors at the trailer park said they had no idea Webb had a husband inside that trailer the whole time.

Believing his faith would heal him

I stopped reading after that.

Damn people are stupid.

Im sure theres some kind of payment program for emergency surgery like that. In any case theres no excuse to sit your fat ass in a chair and stay there until the chair becomes part of your ass and you die.

This is America, PAUL. That’s what people do in this country.

Without knowing his life story Im not about to pass judgement on somebody who just died.

RIP big guy

Why do I feel like this thread is going to become anti-religion (not just Christianity)?

Leave it at the door people. That being said, I feel bad for his wife. Going through 8 months of that, and then having the man die, has probably been brutal on her. Physically and mentally.


EVEN if he got up, that prolonged nonmovement made blood clots. he’d be dead within 5min if he tried to get up after 8 months of sitting, unless he took blood thiners everyday…

well put :rofl

That’ll learn him to put it in gods hands and not go out and be proactive in treating yourself. One of the dumbest things Ive ever heard in my life to sit around and wait when they have emergency aid in hospitals for the uninsured that covers most if not all of the expenses.

On a side note, I dont wish death upon anyone, RIP big guy.

thats just disgusting…i dont understand how some people can even get like that

we cant all work out so vigorously on the bike then proceed to go home and eat blocks upon blocks of cheese like you jellies

His biggest nightmare over the 8 month period?

Battery in the remote dying.

hahahahahahahahahahhaha this story is fucking hilarious as messed up as it is

Darwin > God

As I read it I felt bad for him. Then I thought that was dumb. Then felt bad for him, Then I said to my self WOW. Then felt for his wife. Then thought it was nice to take up a religion in a time of need, but also thought it was still not the brightest move it just cross your fingers and wait.

I feel bad for them, but I dont at the same time. With all the gov hand outs there isnt a reason they couldnt have gotten help. But I also know how hard it must be to not want to take a freebie and do it on your own. I dont know. Either way it sucks, for everyone… sorry to read about it.

his wife was prolly drop dead sexy too

Sad Story , Shitty way to go out .

I understand your point, this could have been mentally damaging on her, BUT, I question her mental capacity in the first place. I mean, who would allow such a thing? Imagine the stink. I understand the guy didn’t want help and didn’t want to be moved etc, but at some point you need realize that this isnt right and do something about it.


Again, Darwinism at its finest. Survival of the fittest.

It is blatantly obvious that neither of them had the mental capacity to make it far in life either way. To sit there allowing your husband so slowly die in a pile of his own shit and urine while feeding him 100lbs of food a day so that he grows to the ripe size of 800lbs really speaks volumes.

And for him to sit there believing that miraculously his torn tendons are going to heal themselves while he sits in his virus/bacterial/bug infested chair, all the while hoping that an imaginary god is going to fix him also speaks wonders about his intelligence.

I hold no sympathy or remorse for people like this.