Personally, I would want to die in her position… BUT, would she?
Her husband, half of the democrats, and a handful of Republicans say, “Let her husband take her off the feeding tube,” while the other half of the democrats, most of the republicans, and her family want to legislate to keep her alive.
I say that without a living will, neither decision can be known to be the right one… I think the humane thing to do is to let her die, and that it’s incredibly unrealistic to expect her to have any kind of life, but if her parents want to assume guardianship, they should be able.
but seriously i think that it is her time to pass, she has been in the same unresponsive condition for the past 15 years…15 years holy shit. The only thing that she has done in that century and a half is blink. Yeah her husband is the biggest fuckface in the world (for supposively abusing her to put her in that state) but the damage has been done…
I dont believe that he beat her. If he knocked her out and she ended up like this, why the hell wasnt he prosecuted? The fact that Congress and the President actually stuck their big fucking noses in this is a god damned disgrace. I mean, are they out of their fucking minds?
We have a court system. This case went through the courts. Congress decides it doesnt like that decision and immediately convenes, passes legislation in like 3 hours and then Bush FLYS IN from Crawfod Texas in the middle of the night to sign it. Can you say checks and balances? Holy shit! That has to be the most blatant and rediculous media stunt ever. THe pro-lifers are loving this shit. They are making this woman out to be martyr. They are making the husband who just wants his wife to go in peace out to be a murderer. Getting the public united behind the right to lifers just before a couple supreme court justices are about to retire… hmmm… I sooo wouldnt be suprised if Bush uses his “mandate” to make a run at reversing roe v. wade
if he really did beat her into this state, her family would be screaming accusations from the rafters. If he gets charged or even investigated for fucking her up like this, it could be grounds for him to be removed as her guardian. Especially if there was any possibility that he was trying to have the plug pulled on her to cover up his crime. If im smart enough to think of this, im sure the zillion dollar lawyer they have would have thought of it.
truth. I wouldnt want to be a burden on my family like that. Making them weep and cry to look at me, when all I can do is moan back. And im fucking brain dead, so its not like Im even gonna know whats going on anyways. Pull the plug, let me die with dignity and remember me as I was before i turned into a vegetable. Then move on with and enjoy your lives. The fucked up thing here is the US will not allow doctor assisted suicide. They would rather watch the woman starve to death and eventually die of dehydration then letting her die with just the teenciest little bit of dignity. How fucked up is it that its illegal to kill yourself if you are in that state? This counrty pisses me off.