you’ve got a point there.
I was just reading about this. First off regardless of how people view the husband, this shit deosn’t need to be on national news. Second If the doctors are saying there is absolutly no hope for recovery then the woman should be left to pass. Not only is that NOT living, but she is also a finacial drain on a lot of people for no reason if there is no hope.
Now on the other hand pulling the tube and starving her is a bit unhumane in my opinion. Its not a pretty sight. Cases specifically like this is why I think people like kavorkian should be allowed to offer the service that they do. He can “put her to sleep” will less pain and suffering then just yanking a feeding tube and allowing the woman to starve for 10+ days.
Now not to sound like a total dick with this next statement, but if she has been like this for 15 years, there should be away for her husband to move on with his life. He not being able to divorce and remarry is total BS. Especially since she hasn’t done anything in 15 years. Its keeping him in a consant state of finacial drain which is not fair since there is no hope. If her parents want to keep her alive then he should be like fine sign here and do what you want.
15 years of a vegitative state is NOT LIVING. I would hope my family would have the common sense that if there is absolutly no hope to let me go but have it done humanly. If they can do it pain free for prisoners why can;t they do it for terminal patients…
fuck you beat me to it but you can read my big ass post anyways.
he has been living with another lady for a long time and has two kids from this lady…
from what i have heard he wants her to die so that one day she cant ‘wake up’ and spill her guts about how he abused her
So you’re sayin he hit that shit?
I told you I;m not arguing that aspect. In general if ANYONE has to deal with a situation like this they can not divorce and if there parents are fucked up and want to keep her alive on artifical support ANYONE can end up in court like this. I know he has been living with another woman and has kids to her. Christ if my inlaws were being a bunch of idiots like this and it was 15 or 20 years, I would probably do the same thing. Scratch that I would probably fucking kill them first then just jump off a bridge or move to mexico, since anything I had prior to 15 years of court battles would have been lost anyways.
I love jenn to death, but sorry 15 years of medical bills for basicaly a potato in a bed WHICH IS MEDICALLY HOPLESS is Bullshit. I work in the medical field this story has been coming up a lot and even a lot of the Doctors said this is bullshit.
Her Parents are fucked up in the head and are unable to deal with reality.
hahaha…shes like this b/c of a eating disorder…
and he wants her to pass away soo he can marry that lady!!! he cant divorce a lady that cant sign the papers…and if she somehow wakes up…it will take forever for her to sign papers
If I were Terry Schiavo, I would have wanted to go a long time ago, not by starvation, but just in general.
Her husband should be allowed to move on with his life, and if her parents still want to keep forking out the $$ to keep her alive, then it’s their problem.
And I’m sure my parents would have let me go. They have more common sense than that.
ill bet you read that on the internets, didnt you!
if so. it has to be true
they’re roman catholic.
that explains everything.
(my family’s catholic. i’m allowed to say that.)
the parents would love for him to hand over control. Thats what they’ve been fighing 10 years for. The point is she did not want to live this way, and he is honoring her wished. Hell, he was offered a million dollars to give control over to the parents and he declined. And hes not trying to cover anything up. She isnt coming back. She has 0 brainwave activity. She hasnt made the slightest improvement in 15 years. This guy is a hero and an amazing husband. He could divorce her if he wanted to, but he is still married to her because if he divorces her, he loses control of her.
No, he’s talking about my parents, and they are not Roman Catholic.
i thought he was talking about Schiavo’s parents. my bad.
Wrong, He can not legally divorce because of the state of mind she is in. Thats what the problem is. You can go look it up If you want I’m tired of looking up laws and codes for other people.
you assumed right. I don;t care how religous you are when its your time regardless of religon, its your time. Hypothedically speaking and I’ll probably go to hell for saying this (not that I’m not already headed there) but if God hasn;t been listening for 15 years and giving her substancial improments maybe they should take that as a sign its her time to be at his side…
I agree with Darkstar, I think its incredible that its been made into some gigantic public spectacle. What kind of self-respecting person would want to be brought into the public light, rediculed by some, praised by others, because they are a vegetable?
I think the woman should be allowed to pass while she has the slightest tint of dignity left.
No self-respecting and rational person would want to be stuck in that vegetative state.
And if your not self respecting and rational, then we’ll just lock your ass up at the funny farm and let you bounce of the padded walls like a damn pinball machine.
i wish her ‘supporters’ would take that damn tape off their mouths and get a job… fuckin hippies. let her pass, she’s got the mental capacity of a pencil rite now, she’ll never be anything more than alive. i love how our gov ignores important things like ss drains, iraqi unrest, and focuses on personal issues like this and steroids in baseball. :eyesrollingoutbackofhead: