

beat me to it…now we only have 365+ days to hear about her fucking autopsy…

I hate people…

she deid?

just another casualty of the US of A

3 words.

Bout Fucking Time

now the real shit starts, we get to hear how she is a martyr and it will be worse than when she was living.

glad i didn’t follow any of that crap

“We interupt this current report on the war in Iraq to bring you…Terri Schicho’s Autopsy results”



god damn it…wont this topic do like her…and just die!!! soo sick of hearing about this!!!

& her anniversary…all over the tv next yr.

I bet when bush speaks about her today they will name a national holiday after her today March 31st…especially since there doesn’t seem to be to much going on today…

APRIL FOOLS! She not dead or brain damaged! :rofl:

too bad it wasn’t tomorrow…april 1

for all the fools trying to keep her alive

dude im such a dick… i want to put OWNED across one of her pictures.

put it across her dad’s pic

no i wanted to put it across the one where she sittign in the wheel chair and looking up at you. went through the yahoo pictures and people are so fucking stupid crying and shit because someone they didnt know or love died… id be like aint that a bitch and go back home… people fuckin kill me… wasnt there fight anyways

her dad is the one that got owned by all the courts…she supposidly wanted to die.

fuck those people who were protesting to have her live.
all i’m saying is where do they go @ night…not home to terry.
you can talk a lot of smack when you ain’t the one paying for it or dealing with it.
just like the abortion protestors.

yep wopnder how many of them have had abortions